Urban Design & Development
NOTICE: Applicants should contact [email protected] to get Zoom hearing information (links and phone numbers) that must be included in all public notice (required email/mail notice and sign posting).
What We Do
Urban Design and Development conducts long range and current planning, broad-based community engagement, historic preservation planning, and staff support for land use boards that review development proposals.
In addition, this division provides staff support to several land use boards, including:
How We Serve You
Urban Design & Development updates the ABC Comprehensive Plan, prepares the annual update of the Integrated Development Ordinance, and provides staff support for several land use boards that review proposals for development.
The Urban Design & Development Division includes the following teams:
- Current Planning
- Provides staff support for the EPC
- Reviews/decides Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs)
- Conducts Pre-application Reviews
- Historic Preservation
- Provides staff support for the LC
- Helps preserve historic landmarks, districts, and neighborhoods
- Works with Long Range Planning to assess character and heritage preservation
- Long Range Planning
- Conducts Community Planning Area (CPA) assessments
- Helps other Departments and agencies to engage the public about their planning efforts
- Mid Range Planning
- Implements Planning Department projects
- Coordinates updates to adopted plans and publications
- Helps other Departments and agencies implement planning efforts and projects
- Regulatory Planning
- Conducts the Annual Update to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO)
- Provides staff support for the ZHE
- Helps administer and interpret the IDO
- Boards & Commissions
- Historic Landmarks
- Historic Protection Overlay Zones
- Integrated Development Ordinance
- Online Forms & Applications
- Planning Department General Fee Schedule
- Post-submittal Facilitated Meetings
- Pre-submittal Tribal Meeting
- Pre-application Reviews
- Publications (Plans & Studies)
- Public Notice Requirement in the Integrated Development Ordinance
- Site Plan Checklist