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Regulatory Planning Team

Learn more about the Regulatory Planning Team in the Urban Design & Development Division of the City of Albuquerque's Planning Department.

What We Do

The Regulatory Planning team provides staffing support to the City’s special exceptions board.

  • Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) - The ZHE has authority to review and decide requests for special exceptions to the Integrated Development Ordinance, including most variances, expansions of nonconforming uses or structures, and conditional uses. The ZHE also reviews and decides solar rights permits.

The Regulatory Planning team prepares, submits, and guides the annual update to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) through the City's review and decision process.

This team also helps administer and interpret the IDO as questions come up from staff, property owners, and the public.

How We Serve You

The Regulatory Planning team is available to assist you with guidance about zoning questions, as well as answering questions about the ZHE process. The Regulatory Planning team engages the public throughout the IDO Annual Update process. If your community has questions about the City's land use, planning, and zoning framework, we are here to help.


Contact Us

For inquiries, please contact the Regulatory Planning Team Lead: