Northeast Area Command
John Carrillo Memorial Substation
Address: 8201 Osuna NE, 87109
Phone: 505-823-4455
Crime Stats
- 2024 Northeast Area Command Crime Stats (January - April)
- 2024 Citywide Monthly Crime Stats (January - April)
- Crime Definitions
Town Halls
Watch Northeast Town Hall - May 18, 2021
Upcoming Events
Welcome to the Northeast Area Command.
The officers and staff of the Northeast Area Command of the Albuquerque Police Department are here to serve our community.
About the Northeast Area
The Northeast Area is bordered by Albuquerque city limits to the north, Eubank Boulevard to the east, Interstate 40 to the south, and Interstate 25 to the west.
Read the Northeast Area Command Newsletters
Subscribe to Northeast Area Command Newsletters
Albuquerque Community Safety Response Overview
Strategic Community Engagement Plan
NE Strategic Comm. Engagement Plan
Additional Resources
Map: Northeast Area Command
Meet the Commander: Ryan Nelson
Ryan Nelson had been with the Albuquerque Police Department since 2004. He has worked in the Field Service Bureau as a police officer, a Detective with the Region I Narcotics Task and a Task Force Officer with the Federal Bureau of Investigations. He promoted to Sergeant and returned to supervise the federal task force officers for officers assigned to federal agencies and the Drug Detection Canine Unit. He was promoted to Lieutenant and supervised the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area programs (HIDTA), Region I Federal Task Force, Central Narcotics Unit, Crime Gun Intelligence Center (CGIC), Federal Task Force Officers, the Gun violence Suppression Unit (GVSU) and the Gun Violence Reduction Unit (GVRU). In November 2023, he became the Interim Commander of the Northeast Area Command.
Upcoming Events: Northeast Area Command
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