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Long Range Planning Team

Learn more about the Long Range Planning Team in the Urban Design & Development Division of the City of Albuquerque's Planning Department.

What We Do

Long Range Planning is responsible for working with stakeholders in the community to assess how well existing policies, regulations, and City programs are working to meet their goals, maximize opportunities, and address concerns. Specifically, Long Range Planning develops assessments, policies, and program recommendations to guide the physical design and development of Albuquerque. In general, Long Range planners develop and implement coordinated planning for quality growth and development of the City. Doing so balances social, economic, and environmental goals. The historic past and the dynamic present provide the framework upon which the future can be built.

How We Serve You

Long Range planners help property owners understand changes to zoning with the adoption of the Integrated Development Ordinance. We host trainings once a year, if not more often. Learn more on the ABC-Z project webpage.

Long Range planners conduct Community Planning Area (CPA) Assessments with community stakeholders to recommend policies, regulations, and priority projects that help move the community toward the community's vision.

Long Range Planning helps to analyze Council-sponsored changes to policies and regulations, including implementation tools such as the Development Process Manual (DPM) and Capital Improvements Program.

Long Range Planning is also responsible 10-year updates to the ABC Comprehensive Plan. Long Range also helps manage updates to Rank 2 Facility Plans as needed. Long Range provides planning assistance to other Departments and agencies as needed.

Long Range Planning involves thinking about the future and how best to improve quality of life for Albuquerque residents. Long Range Planning works with the community, staff from Council Services, other City Departments, and outside agencies, and other stakeholders to develop goals, priorities, policies, and regulations. Ongoing analysis serves to keep the City’s goals, policies, and regulations up to date with new development trends, community priorities, new technologies, economic development opportunities, and demographic/societal changes.

Ranked City Plans

The section assembles all the information gathered through contact with various groups and produces documents detailing their interests and desires. These policy Plans are “ranked” as follows:

  • Rank 1: The Comprehensive Plan is the Rank 1 plan. It is a citywide plan with broad goals and policies for all areas of the built and natural environment, coordinated with Bernalillo County.
  • Rank 2: Plans to coordinate citywide facilities are called Rank 2 Facility Plans. Facility plans address various types of citywide utilities or public facilities.
  • Rank 3: Rank 3 plans address individual City facilities or smaller geographic areas that have common characteristics and/or conditions. Resource management plans, Master Plans, and Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plans are all Rank 3 plans.

Lower-ranking plans should be consistent with higher ranking plans. In the event of conflict, the provisions of the higher-ranking plan governs.


Contact Us

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