Development Hearing Officer
Development Hearing Officer
- Robert L. Lucero, Jr., Development Hearing Officer
- Brennon Williams, Development Hearing Officer
- Matt Myers, Development Hearing Officer
Applications submitted since December 25, 2022 are no longer reviewed by the Development Review Board and are now reviewed against the regulations in the Effective IDO Document.
- Learn more about the transition from the DRB
The 2024 calendars for the upcoming Development Hearing Officer (DHO) hearings are located at the following links:
The 2025 calendars for the upcoming DHO hearings are located at the following links:
The DHO Rules of Procedure are located at the following link: DHO Rules of Procedure
For copies of recorded platting documents contact the Bernalillo County Clerk Department.
*Are you stuck in a process? The Planning Department now has two Navigators to help point you in the right direction. You can reach our Navigators, Renee and Annette at [email protected].
DHO Hearing Process
The DHO meets remotely according to the DHO calendar, Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. Meeting details and agendas are here:
The DHO ‘remote’ public hearings are using the Zoom software. All participants – DHO, DFT staff, applicants, and the public – participate remotely. You can choose to participate by video or audio only. Participants can listen to the meeting and may also speak during the public comment period. The agenda for the DHO meeting is posted on the City website by Friday afternoon ahead of the Wednesday meeting. The agenda includes information on accessing the DHO meeting. Participants can call the number listed on the agenda from their phone to be connected to the meeting. Participants may also can click on the link on the agenda to participate via computer (a microphone is required; a camera is optional.) Participants are not required to create a Zoom account, but may choose to do so.
Please contact either of the following with questions:
- DHO Planner Robert Webb: 505-924-3910 or [email protected]
- DHO Hearing Monitor Angela Gomez: 505-924-3946 or [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your willingness to help our City try new things during this health and economic crisis. We appreciate your patience with this new ‘remote’ meeting process. We value your input and will help you connect to this new way of participating.
The Development Hearing Officer (DHO) was established by an amendment to the IDO effective December 25, 2022. The DHO conducts quasi-judicial hearings to:
- Approve or deny major subdivision actions where no re-zoning or annexation is required,
- Establish rights-of-way,
- Vacate public rights-of-way,
- Establish or vacate public and private easements,
- Waive standards in IDO Sections 14-16-5-3 (Access and Connectivity), 14-16-5-4 (Subdivision of Land), or 14-16-5-5 (Parking and Loading), or the Development Process Manual (DPM).
The DHO is charged with administering the IDO and the DPM as well as other City ordinances and policies applicable to subdivision actions. In addition, Waivers heard by the DHO can apply to Site Plans Administrative.
Requirements for Plats
The DHO requires that all Plats be signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, licensed in the State of New Mexico. For plats, the first page must be signed and sealed.Application
Supplemental Submittals
The deadline for supplemental submittals to address DHO comments is noon on Friday, unless noted on the DHO calendar. We need this time to review your submittal completely.
Please submit by noon on Friday using the resubmittal form and send to [email protected]. For files larger than 9 MB in size, please send an email to [email protected] and request that staff send you a link via Smartfile to upload your supplemental submittal. Once you upload your supplemental submittal to Smartfile, staff can download the file.
Submittals received after the deadline will be reviewed for the following meeting.
See below for links to an updated infrastructure list template and examples of signature blocks for different types of applications:
General Meeting Information
Development Hearing Officer (DHO) hearings are being held remotely twice a month according to the DHO calendar. The hearings begin at 9 a.m. using Zoom software. Please refer to the “DHO Hearing Process" section above for instructions regarding how to participate in the Zoom-based DHO hearings.
The public hearing portion of each week's agenda is announced in the Albuquerque Journal.
Parking Notice
Free 2-hour parking for Plaza del Sol customers is available on the north side of the building at 600 2nd NW.
This parking lot is monitored by Parking Services. Vehicles in the lot for more than 2 hours are subject to fines and or/towing.
- Download the Development Hearing Officer Application
- Download the Infrastructure List
- Download the Plat Signature Block
- Download the Utilities (PNM, NM Gas Co., etc.) & AMAFCA Contact Information
Online Services System
The Planning Department's Online Services System is expanding. Soon, the Development Review Board, Environmental Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Examiner, and the Landmarks Commission will join other services currently available on the system.
The new online system will allow you to fill out your application, submit required documents, track application progress and pay application fees from any computer or mobile device. Stay tuned for more details.
Staff Contact
The six members of the Development Facilitation Team (DFT) are City staff representing the Planning Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Code Enforcement, Hydrology, Traffic Engineer, and Water/Sewer Utilities Engineer.
Each member is authorized to sign plats.
- Jay Rodenbeck, Planning Department
Email: [email protected] - Ernest Armijo, P.E., Transportation Development, Planning Department
Email: [email protected] - Tiequan Chen, P.E., Hydrology & City Engineer's Representative, Planning Department
Email: [email protected] - David Gutierrez, P.E., Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
Email: [email protected] - Jeff Palmer, Code Enforcement Division's Representative, Planning Department
Email: [email protected] - Whitney Phelan, Parks and Recreation
Email: [email protected]
Scheduled Meetings
See General Meeting Information.
DHO Submittal Requirements Effective December 25, 2022
Approvals needed prior to application submittal for all projects (please see Forms P & S)*:
- Hydrology:
- Grading and Drainage Plan
- Transportation:
- Traffic Circulations Layout (TCL)
- Traffic Impact Study (TIS)
- Neighborhood Impact Analysis (NIA)
- Water/Sewer Availability Statement
- ABCWUA Development Agreement or Service Connection Agreement (if required)
- Other agencies (if required under the Hydrology or Transportation submittals):
- Bernalillo County
Preliminary/Final Plat Submittals (signature/approvals needed prior to application submittal for all projects*):
- Infrastructure Improvements Agreement (IIA**)
- MRGCD (if required)
- AMAFCA (if required)
- Bernalillo County (if required)
- NMDOT (if required)
- NM Gas
- AGIS (DXF approval)
- City Surveyor’s Signature
- Owner’s Signature
* Except Sketch Plat/Plan & PRT Submittals
** Prior to Final Plat submittals and/or Final Site Plan approval submittals