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Botanic Garden

Welcome to the ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden

Close up of an orange and black butterfly perched on a yellow flower. You can see fine detail in the antennae and fuzz on the flower stem


Opened in 1996, the Botanic Garden has grown to 32 acres of exhibits, and showcases plants from the American Southwest and around the world.

The Botanic Garden’s BUGarium is one of the most elaborate exhibits dedicated to bugs and arthropods in the country.

The Travel Channel cites ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden as one of the top 12 in the country!

Seasonal Update:

Learn more about featured seasonal plants!

Featured on 5/1/24: Chinese wisteria, or Wisteria sinensisIf you were to walk under a canopy of Chinese wisteria clusters, your first thought likely wouldn't be of beans! But the genus Wisteria is indeed a part of Fabaceae or Leguminosae, commonly known as the legume or bean family. The four species of wisterias climb by twining their stems around any available support, even as high as 66 ft above the ground and spread out 33 ft laterally. The largest on record is more than 1 acre in size and weighs 250 tons! It lives in Sierra Madre, California and was planted in 1894.

Chinese wisteria does need a strong support structure, like steel, to climb. American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens) is a vigorous, but less-aggressive, grower. While still requiring a strong support, American wisteria tends to behave better in smaller garden settings. The Botanic Garden collections feature Chinese, Japanese, and American Wisterias; each are unique and have slightly different bloom times and flower density. If you are short on space, don't fret: all wisteria can be displayed as a small weeping tree with regular training and pruning, and will do well grown on an obelisk in a large container. Chinese wisteria is very hardy and fast-growing. It can grow in fairly poor-quality soils but prefers fertile, moist, well-drained soil. It thrives best in full sun for 6-8 hours; shade or partial sun will reduce flowering. They say good things come to those who wait: although vines *may* produce flowers by the second or third year after planting, it may take much longer (sometimes up to 15 years). Plants grown from seed may take up to 20 years to flower, but that's nothing when it can live for up to 100 years! It can also be propagated via hardwood cutting or softwood cuttings to reduce the wait time until maturity. Regular pruning(s) will help control size and shape of the plant, and encourage flowering. One last consideration: all parts of the plant contain some harmful compounds, such as Wisterin and lectin, which can cause problems when ingested. It's best to keep all parts of the plant away from pets and children, so make sure you can start it in a safe spot!

Chinese Wisteria in the Ceremonial Garden

Featured on 4/17/24: Pictured here is the cultivar Viola 'Mulberry Shades', found in the containers in the Curandera Garden for Spring. Did you know that all pansies are violas, but not all violas are pansies? Though many use the names interchangeably, you can tell the difference by looking at the petal arrangement: a pansy has four petals pointing upward and only one pointing downward; whereas a viola flower has two petals pointing upward and three petals pointing downward. The genus Viola is the largest of the family Violaceae with over 680 species, most of which are found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere but there are some found in Hawaii, Australasia, and the Andes.

This means an abundance of colors to choose from when planning your own garden! Viola cultivars are often among the most popular bedding plants in the U.S. They will need moist, well-draining soil and won't do well in clay or loam soil. Although they need full sun and will have trouble blooming in complete shade, they will die off naturally when the temperatures get too high in summer. Enjoy your blooms from late winter to spring!
A close-up image of a viola flower marbled with purple and white edges and a light orange toward the center

Featured on 4/2/24: This is the Double Flowering Almond, scientific name Prunus triloba ‘Multiplex’. It is a large flowering shrub that can be trained into a small ornamental tree, with a maximum height of 15’ when mature. This is a great example of why scientific names are important: Prunus triloba ‘Multiplex’ is not to be mistaken for edible almond trees, Prunus amygdalus, or for the smaller flowering shrub of the same common name, Prunus glandulosa. Prunus glandulosa has similar double pink flowers as Prunus trilobal, but only reaches 5’ in height. That can make it a better choice for the same look in smaller spaces. All three species of almond are members of the rose family which includes: strawberry, apple, plum, peach, cherry, and hawthorne; to name just a few. Flowering almond are one of the earliest spring-blooming shrubs and trees (along with cherry, redbud, and crabapple) at the Botanic Garden and mark the beginning of warm, petal-filled breezy days. It's one of the best times of year to plan a visit!

Flowering almond should be pruned just after they finish flowering in the spring. Avoid late-season or winter pruning to prevent pruning off next year’s developing flower buds. Although fairly resilient in our hot, dry summer climate, flowering almond trees will do best with consistent even moisture in well-draining soil. Flowering almond can tolerate light shade and should be protected from intense afternoon sun or reflective heat. If planted near buildings or hardscape, choose an eastern or northern exposure, and underplant with groundcover to break up the reflected heat and keep the roots cool. All fruiting and flowering members of the genus Prunus will benefit from the addition of organic compost during the growing season.

Close up view of a gradient of pink blossoms at various stages of opening on a dark tree branch with the blue sky peeking between the branches and blurred green leaves in the background. The primary focus is on a fully opened bloom with light pink outer petals and white towards the center, its opening faces the ground at an angle. In the top right is the "What's blooming?" logo featuring the cursive words stacked on top of each other in white with a white line drawing of an open daisy bloom after the word "What's". In the bottom right is the ABQ BioPark's four-tiled logo with the word ABQ BioPark underneath, on white background with rounded edges

Featured on 2/28/24: Winter Jasmine, or Jasminum nudiflorum which means "naked flower". Its scientific name refers to the fact that these bright yellow funnel-shaped flowers appear on bare branches before the leaves, sometime during January or February. Some plants may even produce two-lobed black berries. This species of jasmine is native to Southeastern Tibet and Southcentral China, but it lacks the sweet smell that most people associate with jasmine. In China, its leaves and flowers are used in traditional medicine and it is called "Yingchun", which means "flower that welcomes spring". Winter jasmine is sometimes confused with Forsythia, which blooms later in spring, but Forsythia flowers only have 4 petals.

Winter Jasmine is deciduous, and it can be grown as either a climbing vine or ground cover. Although it does not require pruning, it tolerates it very well. It prefers growing in an area of bright sunlight to partial shade, and well-drained sandy soil with occasional fertilizer. Clay soils are not recommended. It will tolerate full shade at the cost of reduced flowering, and it is drought tolerant once it is established. Winter Jasmine is generally cold tolerant to 5° Fahrenheit, so it can be left outside during our Albuquerque winters!

Yellow Winter jasmine flowers on a branch

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