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Task Force on Behavioral Health

Information about the Task Force on Behavioral Health


  • 11/17/2014: Council unanimously approved R-14-135, sponsored by Councilors Brad Winter and Isaac Benton, which designated the following funding:
    • $500,000 to assist persons with a mental illness being discharged from MDC, which includes:
      • $100,000 for intensive case management
      • $336,000 for supportive housing services
      • $64,000 for a project coordinator
    • $625,000 for a crisis stabilization center, intensive case management and supportive housing services.

What is this Process About?

Summary of the mental Health Gaps Study

Download the Mental Health Gaps Study.

  • There is a clear gap
  • This study only touches the surface
  • There is a clear need for a coordinated infrastructure to maintain and update information regarding resources
  • Some of the priorities described by providers include housing and crisis care
  • The survey also suggests that we don't have sufficient intermediate levels of care or sufficient recovery based services to support people staying in employment and education


Date Description Document
Nov 9, 2014

Op-ed written by City Councilor's Brad Winter and Isaac Benton and published in the Journal's Sunday, Nov. 9 edition, with an important call to action for all policy makers at all levels of government

Our response to mental illness is expensive, ineffective

October 2014

Included are presentation slides on the ABQ MH Gaps Study completed by the UNM Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UNM Center for Education and Policy Research and RWJF Center for Health Policy at UNM. They have also included a provider inventory which is a searchable database and the updated Resource Guide.

Mental Health Gaps Study

Updated Resource Guide

Presentation Slides

June 9, 2014 City Council passed legislation calling for the creation of the Task Force on Behavioral Health



May 27, 2014 Press Release announcing the creation of the Task Force on Behavioral Health

Official Press Release

Task Force Meetings

Agenda Minutes Handouts and Presentations
Jan 22, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Legislative Finance Committee Budget Recommendation Packet

Neal Cash CIT Presentation

Oct 16, 2014 N/A

Summary of Recommendations

Proposed Funding Stream

Example 1&2

Oct 2, 2014 N/A

Presentation - Final Recommendations

Summary - Final Recommendations

Sept 25, 2014 N/A Supplemental Handout for Presentation by Lt. Glenn St. Onge: Handouts for Presentation on Assisted Out Patient Treatment by Andy Vallejos: Handout for Presentation on Long-Term Services by Dr. Miriam Komaromy:
Sept 18, 2014 N/A

Group 6: Case Management

Group 3: Interaction with Courts Systems Report

Recommendations from Housing Workgroup

Record of Issues

Roadblocks Presentation

Aug 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes

NM Behavioral Health Collaborative Meeting 2/27/2014

Fast Track Presentation

Interaction with Court Systems Group

Long Term Services Working Group

Housing Workgroup

Aug 7, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Cost and Outcomes of Selected Behavioral Health Grants and Spending: Human Services Department Presentation

Small Working Groups Handouts & Updates:

  • Group 1: Gaps Analysis (formally known as: Identifying medical/psychiatric services and resources for citizens in the metro area)
  • Group 2: Crisis Encounters/ Intervention— no handouts
  • Group 3: Interaction with the Court Systems / Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) (This group now consists of the former group 3: Legal Status and Rights of persons with mental illness and Group 4: Interaction with the Court Systems—they were combined into one group and a new area of emphasis was added )
  • Group 4: No presentation or handouts
  • Group 5: Long-Term Maintenance and Access to Services
  • Group 6: Case Management
July 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Working Groups

Wertheimer Final Report 2004

House Joint Memorial 01 Task Force Recommendations 2011

Presentation on the Supportive Housing Project, Lisa Simpson

June 26, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Official Press Release




City Councilors Brad Winter and Isaac Benton recently sponsored legislation that called for the creation of a "Task Force on Mental Health" (renamed to the "Task Force on Behavioral Health") to work towards service strategies that will benefit our entire community.

This call for action unites the City, State, and County in a bipartisan effort to address the mental health crisis in New Mexico. City Councilmen Winter and Benton, County Commissioner's Hart-Stebbins and Johnson and State Senator's O'Neill and Rue join together to bring this matter before the citizens of New Mexico with hopes of finding immediate and sustainable solutions.

Task Force Members & Duties

The Task Force will meet to discuss joint funding opportunities from the State of New Mexico, City of Albuquerque and County of Bernalillo and to propose recommendations to address the issues surrounding and concerning mental health issues within the State of New Mexico.


Member Affiliation
Isaac Benton Albuquerque City Councilor
Brad Winter Albuquerque City Councilor
Wayne Johnson Bernalillo County Commissioner
Maggie Hart-Stebbins Bernalillo County Commissioner
Sander Rue New Mexico State Senator
Bill O'Neill New Mexico State Senator
Rick Miera New Mexico State Representative
Klarissa Peña Albuquerque City Councilor
Liz Thompson New Mexico State Representative
Michael Robertson

City of Albuquerque – Division Manager of Health and Human Services

Rodney McNease

University of NM Hospital- Executive Director of Behavior Health Administration

Katrina Hotrum

Director of the County's Department of Substance Abuse Programs

Andy Vallejos

Coordinator for the Task Force on Mental Health

Lisa Simpson

Bernalillo Co. Public Safety Division - Technical Advisor to the Adult Reform Coordinator

Kelly Bradford

Bernalillo Co. Adult Detention Reform Coordinator

Wayne Lindstrom

New Mexico Human Services Department

Jean Klein

Metropolitan Court- Program Manager for the Mental Health and Homeless Courts

Nils Rosenbaum

Albuquerque Police Department- Crisis Outreach Psychiatrist

Doug Chaplin

City of Albuquerque- Director of the Family and Community Services Dept.

Maureen Kolomeir

Provider in Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic- Practitioner in the health care community 22+ yrs

Thomas Gagliano

NAMI- Currently enrolled in the Family to Family Program

Jessica Perseo

Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center- Psychiatric Acute Care (PAC 1)

David Ley

New Mexico Solutions- Executive Director

Paula Harper

The Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico

Douglas Fraser

Consumer and experience with TeamBuilding- Trauma Informed Care

Michele Franowsky

Social Worker Consultant- Mental Health Division of the Law Offices of the Public Defender

Anita Briscoe

Psychiatric Nurse Practicioner- 20 + years in the field

Nancy Koenigsberg

Disability Rights New Mexico- Legal Director

Miriam Komaromy

Physician- Certified in internal and addiction medicine

Robert Maxwell

Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless- Casa Los Arboles

Beth Dehler

Mental health provider in the public schools

Eric Peterson

Public health, social service and nursing experience

Adriana Delgado

Bernalillo County Fire Fighter/ EMT

Jill Marshall

NM Department of Health- Program Director of the Los Lunas Community Program

Caroline Bonham

Psychiatrist in the UNM Department of Psychiatry/ Vice Chair of Community Partnerships

Marsha McMurray-Avila

Bernalillo County Community Health Council – Coordinator

Bill Wagner

Centro Savila- Founder

Harris Silver, MD

Bernalillo county Opioid Accountability Group- Co-Coordinator

Jay Crowe

Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless- Behavioral Health Manager/Clinical Director

Fr. Rusty Smith

St. Martin's Hospitality and Behavioral Health Center- Executive Director & CEO

Lt. Chad S. Kim

Albuquerque Fire Department- Quality Improvement Captain

Sgt. Patrick Burk

Bernalillo County Sheriff- Sergeant of the Crisis Intervention Team Unit

Lt. Glenn St. Onge

Albuquerque Police Department- Lieutenant of the Crisis Intervention Team

Art Marshall

District Court- Director of Pretrial services and mental health court

Adan Carriaga

Citizen with interest in behavioral health care

Mauricio Tohen

UNM- Department of Psychiatry- Professor and Chairman