Closed Nazareth Landfill
Location - South of Tramway and east of Interstate 25, next to Balloon Fiesta Park
Dates of Operation – 1971-1972 by the City of Albuquerque
Acres - 8
Estimated Amounts of Waste – 172,000 tons or 344,088 cubic yards
Depth to Groundwater and Direction – 170-250 feet and flows to the southeast
Site Description
The closed Nazareth Landfill is located on the east side of Balloon Fiesta Park. Nazareth Landfill received approximately 172,000 tons of municipal solid waste from 1971 to 1972. The west side of the landfill is used for RV parking during the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. The east side of the landfill is used by a truck driving school throughout the year. The City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department monitors 10 perimeter landfill gas and two groundwater monitoring wells.
Perimeter landfill gas probe results were either non-detect or below action levels (10% of the lower explosive limit) for methane. Groundwater monitoring results have not detected any organic constituents (particularly tetrachloroethylene) since 2000.
In 2013 concentrations of methane were measured at over 45% methane within the RV parking area. Four landfill gas wells were installed within the landfill on the eastern side of the RV parking area for testing and determination of possible venting to reduce methane surface emissions.
The buffer zone for this landfill is established at 500 feet from the landfill boundary. Building projects and development projects located within the buffer zone are reviewed by the City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department for landfill gas impacts.
Current Status
- Landfill gas studies are underway to determine the methane gas generation and accumulation rates, and an evaluation of landfill gas extraction.
- Continue landfill gas and groundwater monitoring.
- A topographic and subsurface geophysical survey is planned for 2016.
Project Documents