Restaurant Permitting
A permit is required to operate a food service establishment. The permit must be valid at the time of an inspection.
All food service establishments must display the current grade sticker in a visible location.
Submitting an Application
Applications must be completed and submitted through our permitting system, ABQ-PLAN. consolidated various existing permitting systems used across multiple City departments into a single, comprehensive platform. Use ABQ-PLAN for all of your permitting and planning needs, including reviews, inspections, invoice payments, and more.
Register for ABQ-PLAN
Each user needs to register using a unique email address. To access existing permits, you must register using the email address you have on file with our department.
Each individual or business should create an account in ABQ-PLAN. Use the ABQ-PLAN User Guide to help you through the registration process and to submit a permit.
Always say YES when prompted for help!
Note that in order to complete and submit a permit online, you must have a business registration.
A pre-inspection application shall be submitted to the Environmental Health Department at least five working days prior to the business opening. The application must be completed and submitted online.
If you are uncertain as to the type of permit(s) your business requires, you may take our survey to get an initial idea of the permit that best suits your needs.
Note that while this survey can provide guidance, it does not guarantee the accuracy of the permit type determined.
You will need to have the following documents available in order to complete a permit application:
- A copy of the Food Establishment’s City of Albuquerque business registration
- A copy of the Food Establishment’s State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department registration certificate
Once online, you will be asked for the following:
- The name, business address, all trade names under which you conduct business, telephone number, an e-mail address for the business owner and designated agent, if different from the owner.
- The name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the applicant.
- A list of all Food items to be prepared, offered to the public, or sold.
- A list of any current, valid food establishment permits held by owner, or a disclosure of any food establishment permits previously held by the owner designated agent or applicant within the last three years.
If you are applying for a Mobile Permit, you will also be required to submit information for the Commissary in use as well as a current copy of the Commissary Agreement.
Incomplete pre-inspection applications will not be considered. Incomplete pre-inspection applications will be returned to the applicant with a list of missing information. An Incomplete application does not mean your pre-inspection application is denied.
Issuance of Permits & Payment of Permit Fees
Pre-opening inspections are scheduled by our inspection staff with the business at least 5 days prior to operating the food service establishment.
After receiving an approved or conditional approved grade on your pre-opening inspection; the Environmental Health Department will issue a provisional permit for you to operate the food establishment. This permit will be valid for thirty (30) days.
In order to obtain your official annual permit, you must pay all applicable fees associated with the food service establishment prior to the provisional permit’s expiration. Annual permits are good for a year from the original issuance date of the provisional permit.
The annual permit will be mailed to the permit holder, owner or designated agent on file. The permit will be embossed. Copies of permits, not embossed, may also be made available via email.
Note that the provisional permit will expire when payment is not made within the thirty (30) days. You must reapply for a permit as needed after the thirty (30) days.
Permit Renewal
You may renew your annual permit online using ABQ-PLAN. Once you have registered via ABQ-PLAN, you may renew your permit, pay fees, view all records associated with your business when you log into your account. Be sure to renew the permit(s) on or before the expiration date.
You will be asked to provide any updated information online in order to renew the permit(s). Renewal information may include a Commissary Agreement if you are a mobile food provider, and updating or verifying contact information.
Closing a Food Service Establishment
Any food service establishment that wishes to permanently cease operations must notify the Environmental Health Department in writing within thirty (30) days of closure.
We will provide a notice and invoice for any amount due once we process the notification.
For more information on permits, please contact the Environmental Health Department at 505-768-2738 with any questions.