Local Public, Educational, and Government Access Channels Undergo Changes

In the early 70s there was a need identified nationally to offer everyday citizens access to putting their diverse ideas and diverse communities on television. In 1984, the Federal Communications Commission mandated the Cable Communications Act requiring cable operators to earmark channels for public, educational, and government use. These are commonly referred to as PEG channels. The City of Albuquerque’s Cultural Services Department has managed these PEG channels in the past and again welcomes the opportunity to carry out a new vision for truly achieving the mission of delivering diverse content to diverse audiences.
The cable operator exercises little control over the content on these channels, which are used for a wide variety of programming, including but not limited to public meetings, delivery of instructional material, and student-produced television programs. Under the current structure, only one entity is contracted to provide content for each channel. A recent restructuring of the administration and content submission process will allow multiple contractors to create and provide diverse, quality content to the channels. It’s a move that embraces equity and inclusion in our community. These changes will allow a wide-ranging lineup of programming to reach larger and more diverse audiences.
The management and technical duties associated with the PEG channels will now be administered by GOV TV 16, the only local government access cable television channel in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, and division of the Cultural Services Department.
-Dr. Shelle Sanchez