Burglar Arrested, Found Still Lurking in the Area
Lorenzo McFarland, 26, was arrested for Burglary, Receiving/Transferring Stolen property, Tampering with Evidence, Battery on a Peace Officer and Resisting Arrest.
Just after 1 a.m. Thursday morning, December 15, 2016, officers responded to a residential burglary call. An unsuspecting victim arrived home to find her home was burglarized while she was away. She discovered two laptop computers, banking information and prescription medication was missing from her house. The crime occurred in the Northeast Area Command on the 2800 block of Quincy Street NE.
Officers arrived to conduct an investigation and to collect evidence. As officers were outside waiting for a crime scene investigator, they observed a suspicious male, McFarland, who emerged from a nearby yard and started to walk east on Claremont. The officers observed he was carrying a laptop bag and a back pack. As officers approached McFarland, he went down an alley leaving the laptop bag behind.
Officers were able to catch up to him and observed he had a purple laptop in his backpack. During the investigation officers asked McFarland if the laptop was his. He said that it was and that his name was on the laptop. Officers soon discovered this was false when they observed the victims name on the lock screen.
Officers told McFarland to stand up and turn around. McFarland told the officers "no" and that is when a struggle to get him into custody began. The officers were successful in getting McFarland into custody and he was later booked into MDC.
The Albuquerque Police Department wants to remind the community to be aware of their surroundings and to report any suspicious activity they may observe. Awareness and observations made by the officers in this case are what made the arrest of another repeat offender possible and help ensure the victim got her property back.