APD Makes Arrest Following Overnight Homicide of Calvary Church Security Guard
Sat. Sept. 24, 2022
ALBUQUERQUE – The Albuquerque Police Department’s Homicide Unit has made an arrest in the overnight homicide of Daniel Bourne, 61, which occurred at 4001 Osuna Road N.E.
On Friday September 23, 2022 shortly after 9:00p.m. Mr. Bourne an armed security officer at Calvary Church on Osuna notified his supervisor of a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot. Bourne was able to take photos of the vehicle identified as a blue F-150 with a clear view of the license plate. Those photos were sent to his supervisor and for some time after that, the supervisor did not hear further from Bourne.
When the supervisor arrived to the church to check on Bourne he found him in a nearby arroyo with trauma and was not breathing. Several of Bourne’s personal items to include his cellphone, handcuffs and his firearm were all missing from his person.
Based on the photos and information Bourne was able to provide his supervisor before his death, officers were quickly able to identify the offender driving the truck at the time of the homicide to Marc Ward, 35.
Ward was arrested at his residence and will be booked in the Metropolitan Detention Center on an Open Count of Murder.