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21-0101 Report AWD Multiple Complaints

A news story published on December 20, 2021, alleged that that Animal Welfare Department (AWD) violated its own policies in the matter of the adoption of an intact dog to an officer with the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). On December 21, 2021, the OIG received an email defining numerous complaints regarding AWD. The email contained six (6) allegations of violations of City ordinances and abuse by the AWD.

21-0058 Open Space Time Card

An anonymous complaint was received through the Inspector General hotline regarding an employee at the Parks and Recreation Department allegedly committing Time Card Fraud.

21-0004-R AWD Review

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted a review into past investigations involving the Animal Welfare Department (AWD). The OIG looked at all AWD investigations from 2015 through 2021, focusing on the OIG’s observations, assessments and findings during each of the investigations. The purpose of this review was to try and determine if there were any trends or similar issues that continued to resurface.

21-0001 Policy Review

The City of Albuquerque (City) has many policies and procedures, some covering all departments and some that are department specific. The purpose of this review is to identify all policies and procedures, current and archived to be maintained for historical purposes.

Final No. 20-0010-I Senior Affairs

The Office of the Inspector General was provided with information regarding allegations of threats of physical harm, harassment, retaliation and discrimination made by a Supervisor at the Office of Senior Affairs (SA). In addition, the initial complainants stated that there was a conflict of interest issue and improper use of a Procurement card (P-Card) at SA.

Final No. 21-0003-I Highland Pool Alleged Employee Time Fraud

An anonymous complaint was received by the Office of Inspector General that expressed concerns about the Department of Parks and Recreation, Highland Pool. According to the complaint, managers at Highland Pool were allegedly leaving Highland Pool facility and asking the Head Lifeguards to clock them out long after they have left.

Final No. 21-0002-R Animal Welfare Department Volunteers

A confidential complaint was forwarded to the Office of Inspector General in reference to three volunteers with the Animal Welfare Department (AWD). These volunteers are alleged to have been reported multiple times to the various managers and the Director with AWD, yet have been able to continue volunteering and negatively representing both the Department and City of Albuquerque.