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Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse

Information about reporting fraud, waste, and abuse.

Act Now

If you have knowledge of fraudulent activity or misconduct by an employee, manager, vendor, contractor or public official, you can:

Promote the Greater Good

The Office of Inspector General is a sufficiently independent department, which helps the Inspector General to:

  • Conduct Investigations in an efficient, impartial, equitable and objective manner
  • Prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse in city activities including all city contracts and partnerships
  • Deter criminal activity through independence in fact and appearance, investigation and interdiction
  • Propose ways to increase the city’s legal, fiscal and ethical accountability to insure that tax payers’ dollars are spent in a manner consistent with the highest standards of local governments

Inspector General Act

The City of Albuquerque (City), Office of Inspector General (OIG), is governed by City Ordinance Article 17: Inspector General; which details and describes the jurisdiction of the Inspector General (IG) to investigate specific matters and contains several specific exclusions from the IG’s jurisdictions. In summary, Article 17 establishes a very broad basis for the IG to investigate misfeasance or nonfeasance by an official or investigated party of the City in order to foster and meet the public policy goal of preventing and detecting waste, fraud, and abuse in city activities including all City contracts and partnerships (see Article 17: Inspector General Sections 2-17-2 and 2-17-6. ROA 1994).

The policy is designed to create independence for the OIG to ensure that no interference or influence external to the OIG adversely affects its independence (see Article 17: Inspector General Section 2-17-1(A) ROA 1994).

Preventing waste, fraud, or abuse investigations may apply to any Department of the City, any employee, elected official, or contractor (see definitions for employee, official, and contractor under Section 2-17-3 ROA 1994). The Specific exclusions from IG Investigations stated in the Ordinance are limited to:

  1. Complaints related to discrimination, labor law matters, or other matters subject to pending litigation shall not be accepted by the IG.
  2. Alleged violations under the jurisdiction of the Police Oversight Commission.

Jurisdiction is given to the OIG to investigate another form of misconduct under the Whistleblower Policy.

In a second Ordinance, the Whistleblower Ordinance, Section 3-7-1 (ROA 1994), the IG is given authority to investigate Acts of Improper Governmental Action.  Under the Whistleblower Act, Improper Governmental Conduct excludes almost any form of Personnel matter.  Section 3-7-3 Definitions.  The Personnel exclusion is much broader than the limitations under the IG Ordinance for investigations of Waste, Fraud and Abuse.

In Summary, unless an allegation explicitly meets the above exclusions under the applicable act described above, claims that the OIG lacks jurisdiction in allegations against City officials, employees, contractors, vendors, or anyone doing business with the city would be contrary to the IG Ordinance and Whistleblower Act and likely mischaracterizes the complaint and the ability of the OIG to investigate allegations to prevent and detect fraud, waste, or abuse.

Inspector General Duties

The Inspector General Shall Receive and Investigate Complaints Referred By

  • The Board of Ethics and Campaign Practices
  • Any official -- the Mayor and Councilors
  • Any employee, contractor or public citizen
  • The Inspector General may also initiate an investigation

However, the Office of Inspector General cannot:

  • Investigate complaints that are under the jurisdiction of the Civilian Police Oversight Agency or the Internal Affairs Division of the Albuquerque Police Department
  • The Inspector General shall not accept complaints related to discrimination or labor law matters, or other matters that are the subject of pending litigation

All city officials, employees and contractors shall promptly notify the Inspector General of every instance of theft or other disappearance of cash, check, or property, of misfeasance or nonfeasance, defalcation, improper governmental actions as defined in the Whistleblower Ordinance and noncompliance with federal and state law, city ordinances and city regulations of which they are aware.

Reports & Tips

Most Office of Inspector General investigations are initiated based on tips and referrals received.

Remember: The Office of Inspector General cannot put a stop to fraudulent activity and misconduct without knowledge of it occurring.

Stop fraud, waste, and abuse.

Individual definitions can generally be described as follows:

Waste: The thoughtless or careless expenditure, mismanagement, or abuse of resources to the detriment of the city.

Abuse: The use of resources or exercise of authority that is contrary to rule or policy, or knowingly inconsistent with any established mission or objectives for the resource, or of the position held by the person exercising the authority. Abuse does not necessarily involve fraud or illegal acts.

Fraud: A knowing misrepresentation of the truth, or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment.

If the OIG concludes that an act was likely fraud, the case will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency for further review and a determination if prosecution should occur.

The Accountability in Government Ordinance requires all city officials, employees and contractors to promptly notify the Office of Inspector General of every instance of theft or other disappearance of cash, check, or property, of misfeasance or nonfeasance, defalcation, improper governmental actions as defined in the Whistleblower Ordinance and non-compliance with federal and state law, city ordinances and city regulations of which they are aware.

Needed Information

Have the following information before you contact us anonymously:

  • You are reporting fraud that involves a City of Albuquerque employee or a contractor or vendor doing business with the City of Albuquerque
  • Who the alleged perpetrator(s) is
  • What the alleged fraud incident is
  • How the alleged fraud incident was committed
  • Where the alleged fraud incident was committed
  • When (or approximately) the alleged fraud incident was committed