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About the Department of Municipal Development

Information about Department of Municipal Development.

We ensure that public infrastructure including roads and buildings are designed and constructed on time and under budget, and support a City where all residents and visitors can thrive.

We are leaders in public works. That means we work to design and build a city where: our roads are well-lit and safe, buildings meet the highest standards, City property is managed and leased to its highest and best use, and to meet the needs of the City; and that there is a parking space for everyone.

DMD by the numbers. DMD’s 350 employees ensure that public infrastructure including roads and buildings are designed and constructed on time and under budget, and support a City where all residents and visitors can thrive. We are leaders in public works. That means we work to design and build a city where: our roads are well-lit and safe for everyone; buildings meet the highest standards; City property is managed and leased to its highest and best use, and to meet the needs of the City; and that there is a parking space for everyone.

View what we're building for the City of Albuquerque.

What We Do

Capital Implementation Program

CIP's mission is to enhance the physical and cultural development of the City.

Read more about the Capital Implementation Program.


Designs and provide construction management for new transportation and storm drainage projects.

Read more about Engineering.

Real Property

Comprehensive, professional real estate services for the benefit of the City of Albuquerque.

Learn more about Real Property.

Storm Water Management

Manages pump stations, dams, and storm water quality.

Learn more about Storm Water Management.

Street & Storm Maintenance

Maintains and upgrades arterial and residential roads and some arroyos around the city.

Read more about Street and Storm Maintenance.

Traffic Engineering

Installs and maintains traffic signals, intelligent transportation network, streetlights, flashing beacons, signs, and pavement markings.

Read more about traffic engineering.

Neighborhood Traffic Calming

Provides information about the City of Albuquerque's Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP). The goal of this program is to address speeding and cut-through traffic on local residential streets using a set of traffic-calming tools.

Read more about NTMP.


Provides construction administration and inspection services for the City's public funded construction projects.

Read more about construction.

Parking Management

Provides management of parking facilities for the City of Albuquerque and manages parking enforcement activities.

Read more about parking in Albuquerque.

Title VI Discrimination Notice

City of Albuquerque (COA) operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability. Anyone who believes they have been excluded from participation in, denied benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any City of Albuquerque program or activity because of their race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability may file a discrimination complaint with City of Albuquerque. To file a Title VI discrimination complaint, please contact:

City of Albuquerque Human Rights Office, Room 701
Human Resources Department
City County Building, One Civic Plaza NW
P.O. Box 1293
Albuquerque, NM 87103

Telephone: 505-924-3387

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