Notice of Proposed Rulesmaking - Rules of the Board of Ethics & Campaign Practices for the Election Code, the Open and Ethical Election Code, and the Code of Ethics of the City Charter
The Board of Ethics and Campaign Practices hereby gives notice that it will conduct a public hearing on the described rules below.
A public hearing will be held virtually through Zoom.
WHEN: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, from 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Or Dial +16699006833, 83728722584# US (San Jose);
+17193594580 ,83728722584# US
The purpose of this meeting is to obtain public input on the proposed Rules of the Board of Ethics & Campaign Practices for the Election Code, the Open and Ethical Election Code, and the Code of Ethics of the City Charter. The public hearing allows members of the public an opportunity to submit testimony and arguments in person on the proposed rule changes posted above.
Authority: To implement the rules promulgated by the Board of Ethics & Campaign Practices in enforcing the City Charter for the City of Albuquerque, Article XII (“Code of Ethics”), Article XIII (“Election Code”), and Article XVI (“Open and Ethical Election Code”).
To submit written public comment on the proposed rules, please use the Rulemaking Comment form at:
If you are a member of the public who has a disability and requires accommodations to attend or participate in the meeting, such as sign language interpretation, an amplifier, a reader, or any other form of accommodation, please contact Cristobal Rocha at 505-767-5873 or [email protected] at least 5 days prior to the meeting. Furthermore, if you require public documents, such as meeting agendas, in an accessible format, please contact Cristobal Rocha.