City Clerk’s Office Announces New Website for Publicly Financed Candidates
April 24, 2019
As the 2019 campaign season gets underway this coming May, publicly financed candidates will have a new tool for reaching voters. The City Clerk’s office has announced the release of a pilot project that will allow candidates to collect their five-dollar qualifying contributions electronically.
The Clean Campaign Portal is a website created this year as a joint project between the City Clerk’s office and the Department of Technology and Innovation. Envisioned by Mayor Keller and built by local company, HoldMyTicket, the website allows voters to select a candidate running in the district they live in, verifies their voter registration, and processes their five-dollar electronic contribution.
The Clean Campaign Portal will make public financing more accessible to both voters and candidates. By providing automatic voter verification, candidates will have the tools to reach their voters. And by allowing for electronic contributions, voters have one more avenue to donate to their candidate.
“This website is one more step in making our elections more accessible and transparent. I ran a publicly financed campaign to become Mayor and am excited to see how this tool enhances the process,” stated Mayor Keller.
The City Clerk’s office has taken other steps in creating a more accessible and transparent election season. Prior to the exploratory period, the City Clerk held a public hearing and issued regulations for the Election Code and the Open and Ethical Election Code to assist candidates running for office. The City Clerk’s Office also released a 2019 Candidate Guide, created a video on how to use the campaign reporting site, and published an FAQ. All of these documents are available on the Clerk’s website and are meant to increase transparency and accessibility of the 2019 local election.