The Office of Inspector General received an anonymous complaint stating that an employee recorded the euthanizing of a canine and proceeded to post it publicly on the social media platform, TikTok.
The Office of Inspector General received an anonymous complaint stating that an employee recorded the euthanizing of a canine and proceeded to post it publicly on the social media platform, TikTok.
A complaint was received by the OIG that expressed several concerns regarding the Information Services Committee (ISC) and their compliance with the City Ordinance and the State of New Mexico Open Meetings Act.
The City of Albuquerque (City) operates a 311 Communications Center where constituents can call in for information, report matters, or file complaints. All calls are documented in the CRM system. Calls requiring additional assistance are referred to the appropriate department and sometimes to the Office of Inspector General (OIG). The OIG initiated a review to gain an understanding of the process utilized by the 311 Communications Center to determine if duplication of efforts by the City departments and the OIG can be mitigated while ensuring that all complaints of fraud, waste, or abuse are appropriately referred to the OIG for assessment and investigation.
ABQtodo Instagram Account
Library Job Posting
Alleged Library Timecard Fraud
Alleged Procurement Violaitons
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) received a complaint alleging retaliation, in the form of reassignment to a different supervisor and requiring office relocation to a smaller space, as the result of participation in an investigation conducted by the OIG and a private investigation firm regarding time card fraud.
The Office of Inspector (OIG) received an anonymous complaint regarding two separate investigations into the same matter; one investigation being conducted by the City's OIG and the other being conducted by a private investigations firm. The complainant feels it is a waste of taxpayer money when the City has investigators.
Alleged illegal lighting installation between Carlisle and GIrard
Allegation of City employee earning degree during working hours
Alleged fraud and abuse by DMD Director regarding their violation of City Ordinance with residential lighting
Alleged Unethical and Corrupt Behavior Amongst Two City Councilors if the form of a Quid Pro Quo
On January 7, 2022, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) received an email complaint stating 'Time card fraud should be addressed at Aviation Department with Finance including Warehouse employees before it gets to media.' The OIG determined that the allegation contained potential fraud, waste, or abuse and that it was appropriate for the OIG to conduct a fact-finding investigation. The purpose of the investigation was to address the alleged time card fraud in the City of Albuquerque's (City) Aviation Finance and Warehouse Divisions.
A news story published on December 20, 2021, alleged that that Animal Welfare Department (AWD) violated its own policies in the matter of the adoption of an intact dog to an officer with the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). On December 21, 2021, the OIG received an email defining numerous complaints regarding AWD. The email contained six (6) allegations of violations of City ordinances and abuse by the AWD.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint that the driver of a City vehicle stopped and took some Christmas Decorations belonging to the a citizen from the front of their apartment and put the decorations in the City vehicle.
An anonymous complaint was received through the Inspector General hotline regarding an employee at the Parks and Recreation Department allegedly committing Time Card Fraud.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint concerning conditions at the Westside Emergency Housing Center.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted a review into past investigations involving the Animal Welfare Department (AWD). The OIG looked at all AWD investigations from 2015 through 2021, focusing on the OIG’s observations, assessments and findings during each of the investigations. The purpose of this review was to try and determine if there were any trends or similar issues that continued to resurface.
The City of Albuquerque (City) has many policies and procedures, some covering all departments and some that are department specific. The purpose of this review is to identify all policies and procedures, current and archived to be maintained for historical purposes.
The Office of Inspector General received a request to conduct an investigation into the City's hiring practices in relation to the Military Veteran's Hiring Initiative Administrative Instruction (AI) 7-57 implemented on July 11, 2019.
Union Negotiations
Alleged Abuse of Power Related to Covid Protocols
Parking citations not processed prior to dates of fee escalation
Art & Culture Department Lack of Training Provided
APD Procurement Process
AFR Hiring Requirement Waiver
The Office of Inspector General conducted an investigation to address potential fraud, waste, or abuse related to alleged fraud via duplicate billings to the City contract and to Medicaid.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint that a City Administrator was involved in an accident in a City Vehicle and did not follow City policy regarding vehicle accident reporting.
Parks and Recreation employee incident in Old Town