The Office of Inspector General received a complaint alleging that a City Employee was operating a private business out of their residence on City time.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint alleging that a City Employee was operating a private business out of their residence on City time.
Alleged waste of resources related to the City's purchase and installation of the EAGL shot detection system.
Alleged waste of resources due to unnecessary hiring at BioPark related to two positions
The Office of Inspector General received multiple complaints subject to the Whistleblower Protection Act. The complaints alleged violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and nonfeasance by City of Albuquerque (City) employees related to the City’s demolition and remodeling of the Gibson Health Hub facility creating a threat to the health of anyone in the facility.
The Office of Inspector General received a compliant alleging that the Parking Division Manager plays favoritism when hiring employees.
Allegation of abuse of authority by a City employee.
Alleged misuse of CDBG-CV grant funds and Gross receipts tax bond funds.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint alleging that the City's Parks and Recreation Department violated the New Mexico Anti-Donation Clause through the purchase and installation of indoor stadium turf for the Duke City Gladiators resulting in the misuse of taxpayers' dollars.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint alleging that the City is profiting from the relocation of the bus stop at Coronado Park to 1st Street and Indian School.
Multiple Parking Complaints Recieved
Allegation of poor conditions at Westside Emergency Shelter.
Allegation that City Parking Enforcement Officers are failing to perform duties.
The Office of Inspector General received an anonymous complaint alleging a Family and Community employee is abusing time.
Allegation of Code Enforcement Failing to Equitably Cite Healthcare for the Homeless as a Nuisance Property for their Clients’ Encampments on the Sidewalk
Alleged Non-Compliance with Public Comment Period
Allegation of a Violation of Operations Policy and Procedures on Adoptions of Animals by Employees
The City’s Planning Department did not obtain an extension of time for the Chief Building Official to obtain the certified building official designation with the State of NM Construction Industries Division within 60 days as required by Article 13.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint alleging a waste of city resources in the Animal Welfare Department. The complainant alleged that a supervisor, tasked with inventorying, ordering, and organizing supplies for the Animal Welfare Department authorized the disposal of brand-new, fully functional cat boxes.
City Vehicle Parked at Private Residence During Workweek Daytime Hours
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint alleging misuse of budget, theft of tools and parts, and fraud through changing labels on sanitizer and retaliation.
The Office of Inspector General received a series of complaints regarding the Animal Welfare Department and various violations of the Humane and Ethical Animals Rules and Treatment (HEART) Ordinance.
Alleged City vehicle wasting gas and idling.
Alleged contract violations for charging the homeless for services.
The Office of Inspector General received an online complaint alleging misconduct by an employee and a conflict of interest between the employee and a vendor.
Alleged willful violations of the Integrated Development Ordinance.
Alleged Contract Mismanagement Resulting in Waste
The Office of Inspector General received information alleging 'I wish to report fraudulent activities by the City Parking Department officials as it relates to potential violations of local, state and federal Privacy Act.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) received an email complaint alleging the Planning Department Code Enforcement Division Deputy Director’s statement “The property owner is in compliance with the Integrated Development Ordinance” was dishonest, fraudulent, and abusive of the position. The OIG determined that the allegation contained elements of potential fraud, waste, or abuse and that it was appropriate for the OIG to conduct a fact-finding investigation.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint alleging that an employee with the Department of Municipal Development was recently given a position that the employee is not qualified for and in which the employee does not possess the technical knowledge or education required for that position.
The Office of Inspector General received a complaint regarding Crossing Guards not performing their job duties.