FY 2017 Reports & Memos (Investigations, Inspections, etc.)
Cases closed in FY 2017.
6-29-2017 #I17-102 Report of Investigation: Animal Welfare Department
The Office of Inspector General for the City of Albuquerque, NM, conducted an investigation involving allegations made by several employees of the Animal Welfare Department, concerning policy, processes and leadership related issues. The Report of Investigation includes the allegations, as well as results of reviews from previous investigative reports, policies, and other AWD documents, as well as State law and City ordinances. The report also includes input and perspective from the AWD Director and Associate Director.
3-16-2017 Review #16-204 Review of I-9 “Employee Eligibility Verification” Form Handling Processes
The Office of Inspector General for the City of Albuquerque, NM, conducted a review of processes involving City handling of I-9 “Employee Eligibility Verification” Forms. An I-9 form was reported missing, so this review examined the policies, processes and federal guidance on handling the forms. Specifically, the review was conducted to determine the circumstances that led to the disappearance of the form, and how to improve the process to prevent future occurrences. The Department of Human Resources was able to identify vulnerabilities in the process and confusion in federal guidelines that enabled process improvements and policy clarification, thereby reducing future risk of this occurring again.
16-204 FINAL Signed.pdf
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02-24-2017 Review #17-101 Review of RFP Process - APD OBCS
The Office of Inspector General for the City of Albuquerque, NM, conducted a thorough review of processes involving the procurement of an On-Body Camera System (OBCS) for the Albuquerque Police Department, at the request of the Chief Administrative Officer, CABQ. Specifically, the review included the period before the development and advertisement of the Request for Proposals (RFP), to understand the criteria used to establish a requirement to procure a new OBCS, as well as the writing of the RFP, and the subsequent selection of members for the Ad Hoc Selection Committee and finally, the selection process of the vendors.
Rep of Review APD Body Cam RFP.pdf
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3-24-2017 Report of Oversight APD Admin Investigation
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the City of Albuquerque, NM, conducted oversight of the outside investigation of allegations made by a former Albuquerque Police Department Evidence Technician, that certain videos were altered and deleted. The Oversight was conducted per City Council Resolution 16-138. The Report of Oversight not only includes the results of the oversight of the investigation, but also the proactive efforts of the OIG to oversee the selection process of the outside investigator by the City of Albuquerque.
6-6-2017 Memorandum of Investigation: ACH Payment Fraud
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the City of Albuquerque, NM, coordinated with the Administration and City Attorney regarding a fraudulent scheme perpetrated against the City and resulting in a loss of $420,117, to the taxpayers. The administrative investigation was conducted by a private investigative firm under contract to the City and a joint criminal investigation was initiated by the Albuquerque Police Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation. This memorandum documents the efforts and activities of the OIG.
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