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NRDC Co-Branded Tips to Fight Food Waste

This flyer lists five tips to fight food waste, which are as follows: 1. SKETCH OUT A PLAN Plan two or three meals before shopping and use a list when at the store. Plan to eat the most perishable items early in the week and consider recipes that use ingredients you might have left over. Then plan in a couple of "lazy nights" for the week to order out, dine with friends, or use what's in your freezer. 2. STORE FOOD SMARTLY Prep produce for next couple days as soon as you bring it home, for easy use during the week. Use airtight containers for most foods. Additional storage advice for over 85 foods can be found at 3. USE IT UP Designate a night of the week to use up what's in your fridge. Fridge Fridays, anyone? 4.FREEZE,FREEZE,FREEZE Freezing food is like pushing the pause button and almost anything can be frozen-bread (best sliced), milk (shake when thawed), eggs (raw but scrambled), and cheese (shredded and used for cooking). And don't forget to freeze leftovers, even if just for a few days. 5. UNDERSTAND EXPIRATION DATES "Use by," "Best by," "Enjoy by" -these are generally not expiration dates at all, but merely suggestions as to when the product is at its freshest. Take them with a grain of salt and use your nose, sight and judgement to determine when food has really expired*. *Note: Deli meats, unpasteurized dairy products and ready-to-eat sandwiches are products where heeding the date is recommended.