Goal 4: Sustainable Community Development
Guide growth to protect the environment and the community's economic vitality and create a variety of livable, sustainable communities throughout Albuquerque.
The following links contain pdf file reports of the Indicators for the stated
Desired Community Condition. Desired Community Condition 1: The downtown area is vital, active, safe, and accessible.
- Proportion of Downtown Housing Units to Jobs [pdf, 292k]
Desired Community Condition 2: Neighborhoods with civic and commercial destinations within walking distance are an available choice.
- Walking Distance to Destinations [pdf, 192k]
Desired Community Condition 3: Medium to high-density neighborhoods that contribute to a more compact urban form are an available choice.
Desired Community Condition 4: Parks, open space, recreation facilities, and public trails are available, accessible, and strategically located, designed and maintained.
- Number and Distribution of Parks [pdf, 280k]