Goal 2: Public Safety
Residents are safe, feel safe and secure, and have trust and shared responsibility for maintaining a safe environment.
The following links contain pdf file reports of the Indicators for the stated Desired Community Condition.
Desired Community Condition 1: Residents feel safe in their neighborhoods, schools and the community.
- Residents Reporting a Feeling of Safety [pdf, 164k]
Desired Community Condition 2: Residents are safe from crimes against persons and property.
- Serious Crimes against Property [pdf, 184k]
- Serious Crimes against Persons [pdf, 196k]
Desired Community Condition 3: Residents, including youth, and public safety agencies work together to prevent crime and respond to life safety issues.
- Number of Neighborhood Watches Organized [pdf, 224k]
Desired Community Condition 4: Domestic animals are responsibly cared for and provided safe and healthy home environments.
Desired Community Condition 5: The community is prepared to respond to emergencies, natural disasters, catastrophic acts and other events that threaten the health and safety of the public.
- Area Emergency Operations Plan [pdf, 152k]