APD releases details of recent officer-involved shooting
The Albuquerque Police Department released details today of a homicide and officer-involved shooting on August 22, 2022 in a Downtown parking lot.
Date of Incident: August 22, 2022
Location: 100 2nd Street SW
Homicide Prior to Officer Involved Shooting
On August 22, 2022 officers with the Albuquerque Police Department responded to a fight Downtown at 1:15a.m. As officers arrived, a male shot and killed a female, identified as Melina Jones, 21.
The shooting occurred in the parking lot at 2nd Street and Central Ave. S.W.
Officer-Involved Shooting
Several officers were in the Downtown area when a group of individuals engaged in an altercation.
Officers in marked police vehicles pulled into the parking lot at 2nd St. and Central Ave. around 1 a.m. An APD sergeant approached with his emergency lights and sirens on, and made announcements on his public address system to try and get the crowd to disperse. The sergeant saw the offender fire a gun several times, striking Melina Jones.
The sergeant fired his department-issued firearm at the offender but did not hit him. The suspect then fled the area.
Subject: Not identified
Involved Officer:
Ø Sgt. Harold Sennett, has been with the department since June 23, 2007 and had no prior officer involved shootings.
Over the next several months, APD will continue to investigate and analyze this incident. Detectives will continue interviewing any new witnesses that come forward and complete any forensic tests. After the investigation is complete, APD’s Force Review Board will forward the findings to the Superintendent of Police Reform to determine if this incident met the high standards of the Albuquerque Police Department. The Multi-Agency Task Force will forward its case to the District Attorney’s Office to make any determination of criminal charges.