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A list of events that support the Black community in Albuquerque

Visit for a full list of ways to get involved.

Visit New Mexico Black Leadership Council for a list of black owned businesses and be sure to show your support!

Help Us Shape the Future Of Our Community's Office

Our OBCE Strategy Team meets every two weeks from 3:00PM to 5:00pm at the International District Library in the Jewel Community Room for the purpose of strategic planning.  All are welcome to join us.

2022 Strategy Team Planning Overview, September – December 2022

Purpose: To engage the Black community in a strategic planning process where we used data to identify three metrics and strategies to improve the racial wealth gap in the City of Albuquerque.

Who:  We mapped out 33 intersections in our Black communities and recruited members who will represent the vastness of our communities.

During our planning sessions we identified the metrics that we believe will have the most impact.

  • Lower Unemployment Rate (8.9% State of NM 15.7% in Albuquerque)
  • Increase HS Graduation Rates (59.2% for Black APS Students & 24% at UNM)
  • Increase Homeownership Rates among 18-45yr old’s (34%) 

Recap of Activities we agreed to implement as strategies to begin to close the racial wealth gap in Albuquerque.

  • Lower Unemployment Rate (8.9% State of NM 15.7% in Albuquerque)
    1. Early Involvement – pathway programs in STEM fields, trades & health careers through mentorship
    2. Career Experience / Training through paid internships and job shadowing and mentorship
    3. Career Development – database to share talent for succession planning and community information exchange systems and Black business social groups

  • Increase Homeownership Rates among 18-45yr old’s (34%)
    1. Develop a Financial Literacy Program for Homeownership
    2. Pathway program for Appraisers, Escrow and Brokers, etc.
    3. Plan a meeting with Black business owners in construction industry with CABQ departments that handle housing/construction. (Planning, MRA, FCS and Aviation)
  • Increase HS Graduation Rates (59.2% for Black APS Students & 24% at UNM)
    1. Fund and Design Mentorship Programs for Youth identified by Early warning Indicators (E.W.I), children with Incarnated family members, in foster care systems and Juvenile Justice Systems.;
    2. Fund and Design Culturally Relevant Financial Literacy Program;
    3. Fund and Design Culturally Relevant Proficiency projects for Reading, Math and Science;

Jobs & Volunteering

Would you like to become a volunteer with the City of Albuquerque?

Click here to become a OneAlbuquerque Volunteer

Would you like to be an intern with the City of Albuquerque? 

YOUTH Summer Seasonal Positions are available every year!

Brother An of Together for Brothers does the short walk through of the City of ABQ Summer Job Application. Click the link to watch the video in other languages.

For information about work permits for students under 16, see Workforce Solutions website for details.

Join the City of Albuquerque and work to empower our community.
One of our goals is to increase the number of Black team members here at the City of Albuquerque.  Check out our most recent job listings and APPLY TODAY!  We also have application FAQ's to help answer questions you may have about applying. 

Sign up for weekly job announcements.

If you need help with your application, please don't hesitate to reach out to our office at 505-768-4521.

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News for the Black Community

Black information network.png


OEI sends out weekly notices of upcoming events, statements and monthly newsletters. To subscribe, click here.