City to Support Small Businesses with Personal Protection Equipment
September 8, 2020
To help small businesses comply with COVID-19 health requirements, the City’s Economic Development Department (EDD) is seeking local vendors to fulfill orders of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Bids will be accepted through September 14th.
“We want to make sure our small businesses have what they need to support workers and their health and safety,” said Mayor Tim Keller. “This is also an opportunity to work with local vendors to bolster the local economy.”
The City Council recently passed ordinances appropriating more than $1 million to the EDD to procure personal protection equipment and other required COVID-19 screening equipment for distribution to small businesses. Interested vendors can register at The request for quotes is open to local vendors.
Items being sought by the EDD include cloth face masks, disposable face masks, sanitizer, plexiglass dividers, cleaners/disinfectants, disposable gloves, and no-touch thermometers.
These items will be provided by the City to our small business community in collaboration with the following organizations: Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce, Albuquerque LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, ABQ Westside Chamber of Commerce, African American Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, New Mexico Asian Family Center/API, South Valley Economic Development Center, and WESST Enterprise Center.
“Our small business PPE project is yet one more example of the Albuquerque community banding together in a time of crisis so that no one is left out, everyone is protected, and the public feels comfortable shopping and dining locally,” said Synthia Jaramillo, Economic Development Director.