Girard Boulevard Streetscape Improvements Project
Background and Goals
The Girard Streetscape Improvements project was initiated by the North Campus, Netherwood Park, and Summit Park Neighborhood Associations, and City Councilor Isaac Benton. The project is continued with Councilor Fiebelkorn and is planned and constructed through the City of Albuquerque’s Department of Municipal Development (DMD) with the goal to improve connectivity and revitalize the commercial aspect of the area.
The project goal is to make Girard a community gathering space, with options for biking, walking, and shopping.
The overall improvements to be completed are:
- New sidewalks
- Street trees and landscaping
- Install bike lanes
- Improved lighting
View the Girard Blvd NE Streetscape Report
Site and Surroundings
Girard Blvd NE between Hannett Ave and Indian School Blvd.