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ABQ BioPark celebrates the first kangaroo joey at the Zoo since 2013

Western grey kangaroo joey is peeking out of the pouch
January 12, 2024


Keen-eyed guests can now get their first look at a joey who’s been safe and sound inside Hanna’s pouch. We can’t know the joey’s exact birthday; when they are born they are smaller than a gummy bear and remain completely inside the pouch for the first 6-8 months. Our animal care staff and some lucky guests have caught sight of a little face checking out our world! 

As joeys get older and more curious, they will begin to come all the way out of the pouch. They initially come out for brief periods, then for longer and longer until they are too big to return. Even then, they may continue to stick their head in to nurse for another 6 months. We anticipate that this baby may want to stay cozy inside for a while until the weather warms up. We will not know the gender of the newest addition to the mob until it’s completely weaned.

Although western grey kangaroos are currently listed as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List, all native species in Western Australia are protected under the BC Act. Every new birth is important to maintaining the stability of the global population, and we are pleased to welcome this little one to the ABQ BioPark family!