Transit Advisory Board, volunteers cleanup ART stations
July 25, 2021
More than a dozen volunteers gathered Saturday morning to clean ART Stations along Central Avenue. It is all part of a community outreach initiative between the Transit Advisory Board (TAB), the Transit Department, Adopt-A-Stop program and community volunteers.
“We wanted to come up with a creative way to work collaboratively with our advisory board. We thought this effort helps make our stops safer, cleaner and more inviting for our riders,” said Transit Director Danny Holcomb.
Part of what spurred the TAB members into action was a presentation from Transit Building Maintenance Coordinator David Torrez. Torrez spoke at a TAB meeting about how he and his crew of seven work hard to maintain the more than 2,700 stops across the Albuquerque metro area.
“David spoke so proudly about how he and the crew make sure that the stops are a clean and safe space for passengers,” said Christopher Ramirez, TAB Chairperson. “We want everyone who rides the bus to feel like their bus stop and their community is important, and we all felt like we could pitch in to make sure that people know their stop is a priority.”
Adopt-A-Stop volunteers gathered to support and assist the Transit Advisory Board in cleanup of one of the city’s busiest corridors. Volunteers rode the ART bus to each of the cleanup stops, beginning at Central Avenue and San Mateo Boulevard and ending at Louisiana. Following the ART station cleanup, volunteers wrapped up by cleaning additional bus stops along Central Avenue near San Mateo Boulevard.
Adopt-A-Stop members also participated in the initiative as part of their ongoing mission to keep the city’s stops free of debris and graffiti, and overall enhance Albuquerque’s public transportation experience.
The program asks volunteers who want to join to assist weekly in keeping the stops clean, report damages, perform light graffiti removal, among other requirements.
For more information about joining Adopt-A-Stop, visit the One Albuquerque Volunteers page.
For more information about TAB or to become a board member, visit the TAB page.
ABQ RIDE is Albuquerque‘s principal form of public transportation, logging an average of 120,000 passenger miles on its buses each day.