Closed Menaul Landfill
Location – North of Menaul Blvd NE, between University Blvd NE and the North Diversion Channel
Dates of Operation – prior to 1973
Acres – 23
Estimated Original Amounts of Waste – Unknown
Depth to Groundwater and Direction – 250-275 feet and flows is to the east-southeast
Site Description
The closed private Menaul and University area landfill is located north of Menaul Blvd., east of University Blvd, south of Clairmont, and west of the North Diversion Channel within two distinct fill areas. The western fill area covers approximately 10 acres while the eastern fill area covers approximately 13 acres. These fill areas followed the historic Embudo Arroyo and most likely received construction and demolition waste along with some municipal waste. Past assessments indicate that the waste thickness may range from 5-30 feet with varying cover thickness.
Past landfill gas studies conducted in specific areas of the landfills show varying levels of landfill gas measured. Methane results ranged from below detection limits to upper explosive limits. Volatile organic compound measurements ranged from 0.0 to 85.5 parts per million volume per volume.
The buffer zone for the east fill area is established at 1,000 feet while the west fill area is 500 feet from the landfill boundary. Building projects and development projects located within the buffer zone are reviewed by the City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department for landfill gas impacts.
Current Status
- New developments must follow the City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department’s guidelines within buffer zones
Project Documents