Economic Development Action Account (EDAct)
The Economic Development Action Account (EDAct) is a fund created to support economic development of our economic base, to create jobs, and to put people back to work in the city of Albuquerque. It is funded through clawbacks collected by the City.
Clawbacks are penalties a company must pay to the City if the company shuts down, if the company previously received financial incentives from the City.
The EDAct Account targets four key areas:
- An expanded marketing program promoting the Albuquerque area to outside markets, company executives and site selection consultants
- A closing fund to assist significant economic development projects through the Local Economic Development Act
- The Mayor wants to expand the community's programs for the retention and expansion of existing economic base companies, and the growth and development of technology-based entrepreneurs
- Support for workforce development programs to build the education, skills, and experience needed by current and future employees so we can get our citizens back to work
EDAct Council
EDAct Council: That EDAct Council reviews and recommends to the Economic Development Department the use and disbursement of funds appropriated to the EDAct Account.
The EDAct Council consists of the Mayor or designee; two City Councilors chosen by the President of the Albuquerque City Council; and two members of the public, appointed by the Mayor, who have expertise in economic development programs. A representative from the City's Economic Development Department shall serve as a non-voting technical advisor to the EDAct Council.
The EDAct Council shall remain in existence until all funds have been expended.
The City's Economic Development Department, with consultation from the EDAct Council, approves expenditures for the EDAct Account. The Economic Development Department acts as staff to the EDAct Council and is responsible for administering any contracts or programs arising out of the EDAct Council's recommendations, except where otherwise specified.
View the EDAct Account Enabling Resolution.
Council Meeting Information
Meeting Announcements
- April 29, 2013, EDAct Meeting Notice
- July 16, 2013, EDAct Meeting Notice
- Dec. 16, 2013, EDAct Meeting Notice
- March 25, 2014, EDAct Meeting Notice
- March 25, 2014 Meeting Agenda
- April 14, 2014 Meeting Notice
- June 5, 2014, EDAct Meeting Notice
- June 5, 2014 Meeting Agenda
- June 26, 2014, EDAct Meeting Notice
- Oct. 30, 2014 Meeting Notice
- Feb. 18, 2015 Meeting Notice
- Feb. 18, 2015 Meeting Agenda
- May 13, 2015 Meeting Notice
- June 17, 2015 Meeting Notice
- June 17, 2015 Meeting Agenda
- July 31, 2015 Meeting Notice
- July 31, 2015 Meeting Agenda
- September 2, 2015 Meeting Notice
- September 2, 2015 Meeting Agenda
- December 8, 2015 Meeting Notice
- December 8, 2015 Meeting Agenda
- May 18, 2016 Meeting Agenda
- December 2016 Meeting Notice
- December 2016 Meeting Agenda
- April 2017 Meeting Notice
- April 2017 Meeting Agenda
- May 2017 Meeting Agenda
- June 2017 Meeting Notice
- June 2017 Meeting Agenda
- August 2017 Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - Feb. 15, 2013
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - March 26, 2013
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - Dec. 14, 2013
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - March 25, 2014
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - April 14, 2014
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - June 5, 2014
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - June 26, 2014
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - Oct. 30, 2014
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - Dec. 16, 2014
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - Feb. 18, 2015
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - May 13, 2015
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - June 17, 2015
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - July 31, 2017
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - September 2, 2015
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - December 8, 2015
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - May 18, 2016
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - December 21, 2016
- EDAct Meeting Minutes - April 13, 2017
- EDAct Meeting Minutes- May 18, 2017
Questions regarding the program can be directed to Deirdre Firth, Deputy Director, at [email protected] or (505) 768-3269. If you believe that your project includes one of the four target areas of the program and would like to be considered for this program, you can request an application from Ms. Firth, or from Jennifer Walters at [email protected] or (505) 768-3275.