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Penguin Learning Lab

Educational aspects of Penguin Chill exhibit offer fun learning opportunities for all ages.

July 23, 2019 - It takes a lot of hands on deck to open a brand new exhibit. The Penguin Chill exhibit took collaborative work between planners, architects, construction crews, zookeepers, designers, educators and communication experts.

One aspect of the Penguin Chill exhibit is its strong educational component from information signs to games and even a research deck. Visitors will learn about concepts like climate change, the Southern Lights, fun facts about penguins, how our actions matter, food webs and more.

A digital display with three selection options to learn more about penguins.

Some of the educational aspects include:

  • Selfie station that lets visitors learn more about what they can do to help penguins and get a special moving selfie
  • A research station that lets guests interpret data as if they were a scientist on an Antarctic expedition
  • Educational game that uses guests’ movement to help a penguin navigate through different dangers that penguins confront in their daily lives
  • Food web game
  • A live replication of the Southern Lights, Aurora Australis
  • Traditional signage about penguins and climate change
  • Life sized models of every penguin species

Check out this video from Ideum for a preview: