Collection Day Overview

Do Your Part with Your Cart
- Please keep trash and recycle carts lids fully closed. Do not overfill carts.
- Set carts out by 7 a.m., remove from street within 24 hours.
- Place wheeled cart at least five feet away from other carts, mailboxes, fire hydrants, parked cars, low hanging trees, or utility poles so trucks can easily access the cart.
- Place trash and recycle carts in front of your property with the wheels and handles toward the curb. Trash and recycle carts should be placed in the street.
- Do not place hot ashes or coals into the cart.
- Place all trash in plastic bags.
- All household generated sharps: needles, lancets, and single razor blades must be placed inside a hard plastic container and labeled “Contains Sharps.”
- Do not place hazardous waste in your trash or recycle cart. See Household Hazardous Waste for more information.
- Do not put medications in the trash. See Disposal of Pharmaceuticals for more information.
- Do not put construction or demolition waste.
- Do not dispose of waste containing free liquids
- Green Waste is accepted in your normal trash collection bin
Trash is collected every week on your designated trash day. To determine your trash day, look up your trash day by address.
- Residential customer rate - $18
- Extra carts - $7.69 per month per cart
Holiday Schedules
Trash collection is delayed by one day for the following holidays:
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
- New Year’s Day
If the holiday is on a weekend, no changes will occur to residential pick-up.
View full list of holiday collection schedules.
Trash & Recycling Bins
If your trash or recycle cart is lost, stolen, or damaged the City of Albuquerque offers residents a one-time replacement cart for no charge. Each additional replacement cart after the first request will cost $51.48.
Request a BinSpecial Assistance Pickup
We provide special assistance trash, household hazardous waste, and glass pick-ups for elderly or disabled residents. Qualified residents must have a doctor’s certification. To apply, please download and complete the Residential Disability Form.
New Residents
The Solid Waste Management department provides one 96-gallon plastic roll-out cart for curbside trash and one 96-gallon cart for recycling. Please contact us to begin residential trash and recycling collection. Once you have contacted us, staff will create an account for your residence and will mail you an information packet describing our services. To set up new service please notify Solid Waste Management by calling 505-761-8100.
Request to Stop ServiceUncontained Trash Pick-Up
Excess garbage or yard waste that does not fit into your resident cart can be picked up for a fee. Property owners may request a special pick-up Monday-Saturday by phone at least 24 hours in advance for a $59.31 service fee. Call 311 to schedule.