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Detours Planned on North Diversion Channel during Bridge Deck Replacements

Seven North Diversion Channel Bridges will be renovated with new deck surfaces. Preliminary trail work is scheduled to begin December 2, 2019 and bridge construction is scheduled to begin on December 9, 2019.

The trail will remain open during the entire project with the switching of phases expected around the winter holidays during one of the lowest-use seasons of the year. Detours around each bridge will involve an unpaved temporary path of compacted base using the AMAFCA access road and the concrete rundown area. Only areas under construction will be detoured, and the detours will be removed once each bridge comes back online. When the detour is new, flaggers may be on site to mitigate public interaction, and bicyclists may be required to dismount at the unpaved portions. We are asking for bicyclists’ help and cooperation to make the construction site as safe as possible by dismounting and walking their bikes at the detours.

The project will continue through the winter with phases as follows:

Phase 1 – Osuna to Singer

Phase 2 – Singer to I-25

Phase 3 – Epoxy Placement

The bridge surfaces will temporarily be left with a medium to heavy broom finish until spring, because the epoxy placement requires higher sustained temperatures.  We thank you for your continued patience throughout the project.

Please see the detour information below (click the image for a printable PDF version):

A map showing the North Diversion Channel Detours for 2019 Bridge Deck Replacements.