Neighborhood Toolbox
A series of blog articles to help your neighborhood be the best it can be.
Roles and Responsibilities of Neighborhood Association Board Members
Depending on the structure of your association board and bylaws, there can be several leadership roles within a Neighborhood Association. When new board members are elected, it is always helpful to clearly explain the specific expectations of their role once they have joined.
The Importance of Having an Electronic File Share System
Setting up a shared document system helps with board members transitions, creates a sense of transparency, and can help with accessibility of documents.
You want to be part of this!
Want to grow your neighborhood involvement? Try developing an effective elevator pitch that you can use anywhere in your neighborhood to talk about the benefits of getting involved. Help your neighbors know they want to be part of what you're doing in the neighborhood!
Using Nextdoor - Helpful Tips and Suggestions for Neighborhood Associations
Have you joined Nextdoor yet? It’s a private social network that allows people to share information within a specific geographical area, post events, communicate concerns about criminal activity, and generally connect with people that might have similar interests and concerns.
Recruiting and Retaining Members
Tangible tips on finding new members and keeping them engaged long-term!
Making Meetings Fun and Interesting
Holding meetings that appeal to many people can be a challenge, because so many different types of people attend and each one of them listens, sees, and processes information differently. Here are some suggestions for having meetings that are both productive and fun!
Avoiding Internet Scams
Scammers are looking for an easy target, so it is important to remember that you have the power to not fall victim to these scams.
Resources for Senior Citizens in our Neighborhoods
Learn about resources for helping aging residents in Albuquerque.
The Difference Between Neighborhood Associations & Homeowners Associations
What makes a neighborhood association different than a homeowners association?
Tips for Recruiting Volunteers
Your neighborhood association depends on volunteers, but how do you get them involved?