Mayor Keller Kicks off Summer Youth Bus Pass Program with 3,000 Passes
May 18, 2019
Mayor Tim Keller and Bernalillo County Treasurer Nancy Bearce kicked off the One Albuquerque Youth Connect Bus Pass program at Highland High School. The passes allow youth ages nine to 25 to ride any ABQ Ride route free for 100 days. Children 8-years-old and under always ride free. Keller has doubled the number of passes available to our youth from 1,500 last year to 3,000 this year.
The City is building on previous success with the bus pass program by providing twice the amount passes, expanding the age requirement, limiting the requirements to receiving a pass, and providing multiple pick-up locations.
“We want to ensure that something like transportation won’t break a family’s involvement in sports, hobbies, learning, a meal, or a summer jobs. Things like a bus pass are the simplest solution to keep the next generation of Burqueños on the right path. Bus passes will help ensure our summer programs and resources are now more accessible to families from all walks of life,” Mayor Tim Keller said.
This past summer, more than 27,000 youth registered to participate in one of the 119 programs offered by the City. Additionally, more than 1,000 youth were employed by the City during the summer months, including many first-time employees.
The passes are available at all 22 city-run community centers and at many partner organization locations across town. To receive a pass, simply visit one of the locations and fill out a form either electronically or in person. Passes are available until June 14.
To find more information about the passes and pick-up locations visit:
To learn more about summer programs and free lunch programs visit:
The Summer Youth Bus Passes are part of Youth Connect’s commitment to providing childcare, education, recreation, and meals during out-of-school time throughout the year. Youth Connect is a City of Albuquerque inter-departmental work group with Family and Community Services, Parks and Recreation, Cultural Services, Senior Affairs, Transit, and partnering organizations. For more information, visit: