Closed Russ Pitney Landfill
Location –North of Elena Drive NE, Between Barstow and Wyoming
Dates of Operation – 1974-1984
Acres – 4.5
Estimated Amount of Waste – Unknown
Depth to Groundwater and Direction – 500-550 feet and flows to the southeast
Site Description
The closed private Russ Pitney Landfill is located off of Elena Drive NE. The landfill consisted of the north and south fill areas. The north fill area is located on Elena Drive between Barstow and Wyoming Blvd. and covers an area of approximately 4.5 acres. This area is thought to have primarily received construction and demolition waste. The waste and cover thickness is unknown. The south fill area was excavated in 2007 and was located at the southeast corner of Elena and Barstow NE.
The City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department has not conducted any landfill gas or groundwater assessments at this closed private landfill and is unaware of any assessment activities performed at the existing closed north fill area.
The buffer zone for this landfill is established at 1,000 feet from the landfill boundary. Building projects and development projects located within the buffer zone are reviewed by the City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department for landfill gas impacts.
Current Status
New developments must follow Environmental Services Division's guidelines within buffer zones.
Project Documents
Please contact the New Mexico Environment Department’s Solid Waste Bureau for information concerning the waste excavation from the south fill area:
505-827-0197 or