Waste as Resources
On this page, you will find:
Our Projects
Food Loss and Waste
Reusing and Recycling
Other Ways to Reduce Waste
Rethinking Waste
The vast majority of products contribute to the climate crisis in each stage of their life cycle, from production to disposal, through a linear path. By thinking of production systems like natural processes, which are more circular, and by valuing the direct and indirect impacts products have on communities and ecosystems, we can transform how we think of waste, reduces greenhouse gases and create environmental and social resilience.
The City has a variety of projects and services that support sustainability through material reuse, recycling, composting, or prevention.
FUSE Executive Fellowship Project: Design an Equity-Focused Citywide Composting Initiative
The City partnered with FUSE Corps to host a fellow, who worked with the City and community to design a citywide, equity focused composting initiative. The 1-year fellowship started in October 2023, and we are currently finalizing the plan. Would you like to be involved? You can email Sandra West at [email protected], and please sign up for our e-newsletter to receive updates on the fellowship and other sustainability news.
- October 2023 - February 2024: Listening Sessions
- View the presentation recording from virtual meeting in December.
- Read the Listening Tour Summary
- February 2024 - May 2024: Program Design
- June 2024 - July 2024: Public Feedback Period for Draft Program Design
- Review a short overview of the draft initiative (0.6 MB PDF).
- Read the draft initiative (0.3 MB PDF).
- Watch a recording of the presentation.
- View the presentation slides (1.4 MB PDF).
- Read the Feedback Tour Summary (0.3 MB PDF).
- July 2024 - October 2024: Finalize Program Design
Food Waste Prevention
The City is partnering with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to further local food waste prevention work.
- It is estimated that 112,000 tons of food is wasted in Albuquerque each ear. Read NRDC's full report: 2023 Estimate of Food Waste and Rescue Potential in Albuquerque.
- NRDC is also in the beginning stages of helping the Sustainability Office incorporate food waste prevention into the Food Scrap Pilot Project.
Food Donation
Albuquerque Guide to Food Donation for Restaurants and Caterers (en español)
Food Scrap Pilot Project
From July 2023 to June 2024, the City is exploring food scrap diversion at two different food preparation sites:
- The City’s Senior Affairs CASA Kitchen, which prepares hundreds of meals each day
- Explora’s new concessions, run by Three Sister’s Kitchen.
Coordinated by the Sustainability Office, local hauler Little Green Bucket transports the compostable materials to Soilutions, where the materials are turned into finished compost.
Do you want to support the pilot? When you visit Explora's concessions, use the sorting bins in the concessions seating area to divert your food waste, compostable packaging, and recyclable packaging from the landfill.
Community Composting Co-op Sites
In the summer of 2023, seven new community compost bins were constructed as part of a Community Compost Pilot project. Two of those bins are at City facilities: Barelas Senior Center and North Valley Senior Center.
Upcoming Community Compost Orientation:
- Wednesday, July 24, 9:30 - 10:30 am, community garden across from the Barelas Senior Center, 714 7th St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Currently, we are looking for volunteers to help care for the compost bins, which are accepting items from the senior center kitchens and co-located community gardens. Soon, the bins will be able to accept items from off-site. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Sandra West ([email protected]). Learn more about our community compost sites and how to get involved.
How much food is wasted? Americans throw away more than 40% of the food supply leading to 119 billion pounds of wasted food annually in the United States. NRDC estimated that 112,000 tons of food are wasted each year in Albuquerque.
Why is reducing food waste important? It...
- Reduces your carbon footprint.
- Saves money. The average family of four loses about $1,500 a year on food that ends up uneaten.
- Saves food.
- Saves water and land.
- Read more about impacts and benefits of reducing food waste.
Act to Prevent Food Waste
There are many easy and quick actions you can take to reduce food waste. Here are key tips and resources to get you started. Pick one and try it. Then choose another, and share your successes with your friends and family.

- Meal Planning Tools.
- Meal plan around ingredients you already have. View more easy tips for meal planning.
- Food Estimator Tool, which lists ingredient quantities down to the ounce.
- Plan Ahead video (en español).

- Online Interactive Food Storage Guide.
- New! Fall and Winter Produce Storage Guide (en español).
- Spring and Summer Produce Storage Guide (en español).
- The Refrigerator Demystified.
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Food Storage Safety Tips.
- USDA's FoodKeeper App for guidance on safe handling, preparation, and storage of foods.
- Freezing and Food Safety.

- Leftovers and Food Safety.
- Before You Toss Food, Wait. Check It Out!
- Love Your Leftovers video (en español).
- Serve Smart video (en español).

- “Best if used by/before,” “Sell by,” and “Freeze by” labels are not expiration dates but rather suggestions for when a product will be best for flavor and quality.
- Deciphering Dates on Products.
- Three things to know about food date labeling.
- USDA's guide to food product dating.
Additional Resources
- View our New Food Waste Prevention Guide with four two-minute solutions for reducing food waste at home. View six more easy solutions in the original Food Waste Prevention Guide.
- Tips to Fight Food Waste Flyer (en español)
- Use EPA's Wasted Food Scale as a guide.
- Here are key tips and resources from the USDA.
- Food waste video story following produce:"The Extraordinary Life of a Strawberry".
- Food Waste Reduction handouts:
- Zero Waste Holiday Parties.
Composting has many benefits. Diverting items to be composted instead of going to the landfill (1) reduces greenhouse gas emissions (2) and the finished compost helps build healthy local soils. Healthy soils can serve as a storage space for carbon dioxide, better absorb water during rainfall events, and help grow local food or shade trees. Learn more about why and how to compost:
- Introduction to composting video by the USDA (en español).
- How composting combats the climate crisis.
- The impacts and benefits of composting from Project Drawdown.
- Composting overview from the EPA.
How to Compost?
There are a variety of ways to compost, and the designs and instructions can change based on climate. In our arid climate, the best way to learn is from those who also compost in arid climates. Here are some local resources to get you started:
- Learn how to compost in the desert.
- Learn a variety of ways to compost at home or in your community.
- Learn how to compost an a wide range of scales, with emphasis on land restoration and scalable methods.
- Composting in New Mexico.
Where to Compost?
Compost at Home
Learn a variety of ways to compost at home from the Bernalillo County Extension Master Composters.
Find a Community Compost or Garden
The asset map below shows publicly accessible community compost and garden sites in the Albuquerque metro area. Please click on the pins below to learn more about each site, what they do and how you can get involved.
View the map on a phone, tablet, or in a separate window. Or, view alternative map viewer in a separate window.
This map is made possible thanks to information provide by each site. Please reach out to the site contact for further information. If something needs to be updated on this map, please email Sandra West ([email protected]).
Do you volunteer with or work for a community compost or garden site that is not on this map? Please help us improve this asset map by completing the site addition request form.
Other Ways to Compost in Albuquerque
There are a variety of ways to reuse or repurpose an item, including clothing donation centers, second-hand exchange or selling platforms, etc.
You can also repurpose your green waste. The City offers a few options to repurpose your green waste:
- Learn more about seasonal green waste collection and year-round drop-off options.
- Tree-cycling, a drop-off service offered in late December through the beginning of January. Details will be posted on the Keep Albuquerque Beautiful webpage and other places.
How to Recycle?
Here are a few tools to help you navigate what is accepted in the City's blue roll carts.
- Do you know what goes in the compost versus recycle versus trash? Test your knowledge by playing the Know What to Throw game!
- Check your recycling day and find out what goes in the blue bin on Recycle Coach.
Where to Recycle?
Here are few ideas help you think differently about items that are often wasted:
- Repair items when possible, and buy items designed to be repaired.
- Buy items that will last longer. This often saves money in the long-term.
- Find creative uses for items that would otherwise be though of as trash. Recycle fashion shows are one way to think creatively about items.
- Fully utilize the resources at hand. This can be applied to food preparation, toothpaste, sunscreen, etc. Also, if you have a fruit tree, ask volunteers to help you gather or use the fruit.
- Become a One Albuquerque Volunteer and help efforts to reduce food insecurity, waste, and more!