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Volunteer, Foster or Donate

Information about volunteering, fostering, and supporting Animal Welfare programs in Albuquerque.

Volunteer & Donate Contact

Julie Buckland
AWD Outreach Program Manager
[email protected]

The adoptable pets of Albuquerque need your help.

We have multiple volunteering and donation opportunities. Here are just a few:


Foster a Dog or Cat

Foster Contacts

Crystal Torres & Valerie Greif
Community Engagement Coordinators-Foster Program
Eastside Shelter
505-355-8624 (Crystal) 
505-234-5107 (Valerie)
[email protected]

Fostering will save a life of a shelter animal.

Fostering will save a life of a shelter animal.

The City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department is looking for foster parents to provide temporary homes for special need animals.

The types of animals that need fostering include litters of puppies and kittens with or without mamas, animals recovering from surgery, and animals with behavioral issues. Those animals which require fostering are determined by Animal Welfare management.

A Rewarding Commitment

The devotion and care provided by a foster parent gives the animal a chance to be adopted by a loving home and the length of time an animal spends with a foster parent depends on the requirements of the animal. This can be an intense short-term commitment, but also a very rewarding one.

Become a part of our foster parent program and you could make the difference for animals that cannot be adopted right away.

Being A Foster Parent

We sincerely thank you for your interest in becoming a foster parent for the City of Albuquerque's Animal Welfare Department. Please take the time to answer the following questions. They may help you decide if the foster program is right for you.

Fostering Questions

  • Does your schedule allow for you to spend enough quality time with the animals? Most foster animals will need at least 1 hour of your time, but some, for example those with medical issues, may need up to 3 hours a day.
  • Does your schedule allow you to commit to appointments here at the Shelter for check-ups and shots every 2 weeks or so throughout the foster period?
  • Have you considered that foster animals may require a significant amount of clean up in your home, and in some cases may cause damage to carpet, furniture, and clothing?
  • Are you willing to work with our veterinarians and veterinary care staff, as only our own vets can treat the foster patients at no charge?
  • Many families have out-of-town vacation plans over the summer, or holiday seasons. Are you able to commit to the entire foster period needed by an animal, which may be anywhere from 1-6 weeks?
  • Does your home set-up allow you to keep your foster animals away from your own animals?
  • Fostering can sometimes be emotionally straining. Do you feel able to handle the possibility that a foster may die during the time he or she stays with you?
  • Will your current pets get along with new kittens, cats, puppies, or dogs?
  • Many people experience allergic reactions to cats and dogs. Are all members of your family free of allergies to cats, dogs, cat hair, and dog hair?
  • If you are renting, will your landlord allow for a foster pet to stay in your place of residence?

Apply to foster a pet.

Donate Items to Animal Care

Always Needed

  • Dog biscuits (non-rawhide dog treats)
  • Tennis balls
  • Plastic cat toys (easily washable)
  • Pet giveaways for adopters
If you would like to donate online, please visit Kennel Kompadres' Amazon Wish List.

AWD appreciate donations any time of the year! Please drop off donated items at admission at our Eastside or Westside shelters during regular business hours. 

Current Needs

We need "Kong" dog toys of all sizes. We also need new or used blankets, bedspreads, and towels, especially during the winter months when supplies at Animal Welfare often run low.

The wish list Items - New or Gently Used Items

Small cat toys, beds, wand toys, scratchers, collars, leashes harnesses, pill pockets, cat crates.

Donations for Treats

Yum Yum!! Our pets need your donations of Dog biscuits and training treats (non-rawhide dog treats).

Donate Pet Food

Dry and canned dog and cat food – any brand, any variety 

Gallon-size double zipper Ziploc®-style bags (does not have to be name-brand)

Dog Houses

Have an Eagle project to do? Part of a high school wood shop class? Citizens in Albuquerque need shelter for their dogs and continue to ask Animal Welfare if we have dog houses available. If you are willing to construct dog houses for us to give away to the public, that would be a lifesaver!

Contact the Allen Hargis at 505-764-1134 if you are interested in building these for us.

Please drop your donations off at our Eastside or Westside locations or call 311 or 768-2000 for details.