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Tree Information

Information about trees in the City of Albuquerque

Let’s Plant ABQ is a unified campaign to broadly support Mayor Tim Keller’s initiative to plant 100,000 trees, announced last year. The campaign will promote community tree plantings by individuals and organizations, share resources about tree planting and tree care, and educate the public about the importance of Albuquerque’s urban tree canopy. Trees improve the quality of neighborhoods and business districts, increase property values, save energy, improve air quality, and strengthen climate resilience.

Ways to get involved:

  • The first 100 people to plant a tree, and email a photo and a mailing address to [email protected] will receive a free Let’s Plant ABQ merch item
  • Utilize ABCWUA’s TreeBate program
    • Gives a maximum rebate of $100 on residents’ water bills to help cover the cost of tree maintenance or the purchase of new trees
  • Organize a community or organizational tree planting event
  • Donate to the “Lets Plant ABQ” One Albuquerque Fund or one of the other partnering non-profits

A woman using a shovel to fill a whole she just planted a tree in.

Suggested Climate-Ready Tree Species List for Planting in Albuquerque

The Let's Plant Albuquerque Coalition has created a list of climate-ready trees that are appropriate for planting in Albuquerque and the surrounding area. This list is not intended to serve as a regulation for what trees may be planted, but just as a reference for residents as to which species will do the best in our arid climate.

Tree species should be selected on several criteria, including: regional adaptability; non-invasiveness; street or landscape appeal; family and species diversity.

  • 30% from any one family;
  • 20% from any one genus;
  • 10% from any one species.
Family Species Size
Aceracea Big tooth maple ('Acer grandidentatum') Medium
Aceracea Box elder ('Acer negundo') Medium
Anacardiacea Chinese pistache ('Pistacia chinensis') Medium
Anacardiacea Purple smoke tree ('Cotinus coggygria)' Small
Caprifoliaceae Mexican elder ('Sambucus mexicana') Small
Cupressaceae Incense cedar ('Calocedrus decurrens') Large
Eleagnaceae Silverthorn ('Eleagnus pungens') Small
Fabaceae Black locust ('Robinia psuedoacacia') Large
Fabaceae Honey locust ('Gledistsia triacanthos') Large
Fabaceae Japanese pagoda Tree ('Sophora japonica') Large
Fabaceae Kentucky coffee tree ('Gymnocladus dioica') Medium
Fabaceae Oklahoma redbud ('Cercis reniformis') Small
Fagacea Bur oak ('Quercus macrocarpa') Medium-Large
Fagacea Chinquapin oak ('Quercus muelenbergii') Medium-Large
Fagacea Texas red oak ('Quercus texana or buckleyii)' Medium-Large
Ginkoaceae Ginko ('Ginko biloba') Large
Juglandaceae Arizona walnut ('Juglans major') Medium
Juglandaceae English walnut ('Juglans regia') Medium
Juglandaceae Pecan ('Carya illinoensis') Large
Lythraceae Crape myrtle ('Lagerstroemia indica') Small
Oleacea Arizona ash ('Fraxinus velutina') Medium
Oleacea Raywood ash ('Fraxinus angustifolia') Medium
Pinaceae Blue Atlas cedar ('Cedrus atlantica') Large
Pinaceae Deodar cedar ('Cedrus deodara') Large
Pinaceae Austrian black pine ('Pinus nigra') Medium
Pinaceae Italian stone pine ('Pinus pinea') Medium-Large
Pinaceae Scots pine ('Pinus sylvestris') Large
Plantanacea Arizona sycamore ('Platanus wrightii') Large
Plantanacea London plane tree  
Rosaceae Serviceberry ('Amelanchier utahensis') Small
Rosaceae Apricot ('Prunus spp') Small
Rosaceae Mountain ash ('Sorbus spp.') Medium
Rosaceae Purple leaf plum ('Prunus cerasifera') Small
Rosaceae Wild plum ('Prunus americana') Small
Salicacea Rio Grande cottonwood ('Populus wislizeni') Large
Sapindaceae Golden rain tree ('Koelreuteria paniculatta') Small-Medium
Ulmaceae Common hackberry ('Celtis occidentalis') Medium
Ulmaceae Lacebark elm ('Ulmus parvifolia') Medium
Ulmaceae Netleaf hackberry ('Celtis reticulata') Medium
Ulmaceae Zelkova ('Zelkova serrata') Medium

This list is not an exhaustive, exclusive list and it will be amended over time.

More Information

For more information, email [email protected]

Reporting Dead Trees

Please keep this in mind when reporting dead trees:

If the trees are in a median or park, please call 311.

If the trees are on the side of a street, the adjacent business/property owner is responsible.

If the trees are on private property (such as in a yard or fenced-in area), the property owner is responsible.