ABQ Ride Forward Planning Seeks Public Input with Public Survey
ABQ RIDE has proposed a new “Recovery Network” with the support of Jarrett Walker + Associates, Toole Design, Bernalillo County, and Rio Metro Regional Transit District in the third and final phase of its ABQ RIDE Forward planning project.
ABQ RIDE held two community meetings in July and will hold a series of small group discussions throughout the month of August, with opportunities to sign up for discussions on the project website.
The survey is available through the end of August 2024, and then ABQ RIDE expects to finalize the network in the fall. Implementation would be phased in over the next several years to allow time to fully regain staffing. Visit our project website to find more information, including an interactive map and a detailed report, as well as other ways to participate.
We are in the process of developing a plan to revitalize all of the shelters on Central and will include the addition of shelters in areas that have been previously removed. The shelters will have less surface area to prevent vandalism, will have lighting enhancements, real time schedule displays and trash cans.
Here is map showing where the new structures will go.