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Internal Audit News

Announcements from the Office of Internal Audit.

Audit - Operating Grants Fund Balance

The City of Albuquerque has taken steps toward resolving the unidentified operating fund balance outlined in CAFR finding #06-16. To resolve the finding, a comprehensive written corrective action plan must be created and be supported by the City’s Administration. Prioritizing the resolution of the unidentified operating grants fund balance by creating a comprehensive corrective action plan and holding grantee departments accountable will help to expedite the process. The City needs to dedicate resources to fully implement the grants management module, which will greatly enhance the City’s ability to prevent future unidentified fund balances. Establishing formal internal controls, written policies and procedures, regular training sessions, and reviewing the structure for the fiscal operation of grants will provide future assurance that the operating grants fund balance will remain complete and accurate.

Audit - DWI Overtime

The Albuquerque Police Department must improve its ability to collect and analyze overtime data associated with DWI cases. By capturing data, APD will be able to quantify and substantiate the impacts that external factors and inefficiencies, such as Metro Court scheduling, have on the Department. This data is an important element that will provide valuable information through which the department can manage overtime and affect change, such as reducing the number of DWI cases dismissed for officer FTA, and decreasing DWI overtime court costs.

Audit - Telecom Use and Expense

The City of Albuquerque can realize annual cost savings of $273,000, annual cost recoveries of $240,000 and continue the proactive approach to reduce the costs of telecom operations through the implementation of innovative technologies. The City lacks internal controls to ensure the accuracy, efficiency and optimization of telecom services. The overall lack of internal controls is a major factor for the accumulated balance of $1.3 million in the City’s Communication Fund as of June 30, 2013 (unaudited). The fund balance represents the amount departments have been overcharged for communication services.

Audit - Professional/Technical Contract Development & Approval Process

The Department of Finance and Administrative Services' Purchasing Division can improve upon the valuable services it provides to the City and contractors by acceptance and implementation of the following recommendations: (a) The Purchasing Division should require that City Departments attend contract training more frequently; (b) The Purchasing Division should review its internal control processes and ensure that all staff have a clear understanding; and (c) Employee access to CTS should be revoked following the employee’s change of employment.

Office of Internal Audit passes External Quality Control Review

Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) issued by the Comptroller General of the United States Government Accountability Office require audit organizations to have an external peer review at least once every three years. The City of Albuquerque Office of Internal Audit (OIA) passed its triennial peer review on October 11, 2013, with the highest possible rating.