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Job Opportunities With Our Office!

Seeking motivated applicants for positions with our office.
April 28, 2022
April 28, 2022

Culture Change Leader

The Culture Change Leader is primarily responsible for shaping the internal culture change initiative of Albuquerque city government towards equity and inclusion. This position develops, refines and implements the Office of Equity and Inclusion's (OEI) culture change initiative trainings; offers internal consulting and technical assistance for city employees and departments; cultivates relationships with various stakeholders with a vested interest in the culture change of the City of Albuquerque municipal government and with colleagues both locally and nationally.

Deadline to apply has been extended! See the full job description for the Culture Change Leader.

Race & Data Equity Insights Analyst

The Race and Equity Data Insights Analyst promotes the use of data and equity research and tools to evaluate policies and practices to identify and eliminate institutional barriers to equity. This position is responsible for extracting, querying, mapping, visualizing and otherwise analyzing data and information for a number of priority areas; This position works closely with colleagues to develop graphs, charts, story maps and other presentations that contain data and analyses; recommends data-driven policy and programmatic interventions on topics including, but not limited to workforce equity, procurement equity, capital improvement project equity, cannabis equity, housing equity, transit equity and special projects. This position provides technical assistance and training to city departments engaged in n racial equity work using a wide range of analytical tools and methods.

Deadline to apply has been extended! For full job description, See the full job description for the Race & Data Equity Insights Analyst.

To Apply: 

If interested, please submit resume and letter to [email protected].