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VIDEO: A Pathway to Housing and a Bright Future

Resident shares journey to housing and success through with support from Housing Voucher Provider
January 29, 2025

ALBUQUERQUE – Four years ago, Dante Valenzuela, a teenager at the time, was unhoused. Today, after getting involved in the Permanent Supportive Housing Voucher program, he has a roof over his head and a bright future ahead.

Through his high school principal, Dante was connected to a local shelter for youth. APS Title I then connected him to Serenity Mesa, where he received Case Management and a City-funded housing voucher. Now, Dante is thriving, living in his own apartment and attending the University of New Mexico to become a Chemical Engineer, with dreams of working at Intel.

“I don’t think I would be where I am right now if it weren’t for the housing voucher,” said Dante Valenzuela. “Something I would tell my younger self is everything is going to be okay, opportunities are going to come to you, you just have to be patient.”

This week, we’re highlighting Dante’s story in our series showcasing successful pathways to housing.

Watch Dante’s Inspirational story

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Serenity Mesa, located in the heart of the South Valley, is one of the City’s ten Permanent Supportive Housing Voucher Providers. Serenity Mesa offers multiple tools for recovery and access to resources, including housing, under one roof.

"Dante is an incredible young man and it has been a privilege to watch him grow and begin to achieve his dreams,” said Serenity Mesa Housing and Navigation Director Kat Cole. “Dante’s story highlights the importance of housing vouchers combined with strong programs. Dante represents many at-risk youth who, without adequate services, often face overwhelming challenges. Funding for youth homelessness is vital, as without it, Dante would have struggled to find stable housing. We are so grateful for APS Title I, who worked tirelessly to find him a safe place. APS Title I is an exceptional program, and it was their dedication that ultimately provided Dante the stability he needed."

“Dante’s story is a testament to his own hard work and determination, said Health Housing and Homelessness Director, Gilbert Ramirez. “His story also shows what’s possible when you make housing vouchers available to strong community partners who are making a real difference in our community, which is what Serenity Mesa does on a daily basis,”

“Opportunity can be as simple as housing—when we give people a stable home, they’re free to focus on taking those next steps to achieving their dreams without having to worry about where they’re going to sleep,” said Mayor Tim Keller. “Housing vouchers are an important tool to give folks stability, and we’ll continue to work with providers to offer that opportunity to as many people as possible.”

We will continue highlighting stories showcasing various pathways to housing through our Gateway Network and other programming available through the City of Albuquerque.