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Internal Audit News

Announcements from the Office of Internal Audit.

02-25-15 - 15-102 - Performance Audit - Albuquerque Convention Center Renovation – Phase II Change Orders

The Department of Municipal Development (DMD) should be aware of and abide by contractual requirements, should perform an independent review of change orders and change order requests, and formally document City approval when change order work is authorized to begin. By addressing these items, DMD will improve project management and may help to identify additional cost savings in future projects. Strengthening and clarifying the contractual language regarding the consultant’s review of change orders will assist and benefit the City by increasing the level of confidence placed on the consultant in the future.

01-28-15 - 15-103 - Performance Audit - Traffic Engineering Division Capital Implementation Program Payroll and Staffing - Department of Municipal Development

The Traffic Engineering Division should implement an electronic work order system for the Management section, and should start requiring employees to indicate on the Management and Operations work orders whether the work performed is Capital Implementation Program (CIP) projects or repair and maintenance (R&M). The Traffic Engineering Division should record payroll expense to the CIP fund and GF based on the type of work performed.

Performance Audit - Purchasing Card Use and Oversight

The City has designed and implemented strong controls over the P-Card program. However, there has been a breakdown of the operation and monitoring of those controls, which has caused a breakdown in compliance with rules, regulations, and P&P over P-Cards. It is important that the City take steps to correct issues and ensure the P-Card program is operating as intended.