Albuquerque City Councilors and Council Staff Show Appreciation for Transit Employees
On Thursday, May 14, 2020, a group of City Councilors and staff along with the Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC) passed out burritos to ABQ RIDE’s drivers and maintenance staff at Transit’s Daytona Facility. They did this to show appreciation to Transit employees and their commitment to the community during this public health emergency.
Councilors and staff gathered contributions and donated generously from their own pockets to partner with Garcia’s Kitchen for the donation and delivery of the burritos. Councilors and staff also donated a significant tip to the employees of Garcia’s Kitchen, who prepared and delivered the food. Passing out the burritos were City Councilors Brook Bassan, Cynthia Borrego, Pat Davis and Klarissa Peña.
Co-owner Dan Garcia of Garcia’s Kitchen and staff also helped with the arrangements. Transit Maintenance staff also received box lunches, courtesy of ABQ RIDE’s Director Danny Holcomb and Deputy Director Stephanie Dominguez.
Councilors Cynthia Borrego & Klarissa Pena with Garcia's co-owner Dan Garcia give out burritos to Transit drivers
City Council Brook Bassan hands a burrito to an ABQ RIDE driver
Transit Director Danny Holcomb, Garcia's co-owner Dan Garcia and Councilor Pat Davis hand out burritos
ART Trainer Marvin Burkholder gets a burrito from Albuquerque City Councilors