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ABQ RIDE Streamlines Bus Schedule

City seeks to improve reliability of bus service with updated schedule.

ALBUQUERQUE – Beginning Saturday, March 25, ABQ RIDE will shift to an updated schedule on several fixed bus routes. This change in route schedules is designed to streamline service, improve reliability for passengers, and alleviate some of the burden on current drivers. Like many transit agencies across the country, ABQ RIDE is experiencing a severe staffing shortage that began during the COVID-19 pandemic, making route changes necessary.

 “We understand the struggles that our riders have been facing with unreliable service and are working to improve that with every decision in this process,” said Transit Director Leslie Keener.

ABQ RIDE developed the update in service based on ridership data with the goal to maintain as much distribution of service to all parts of the city. The schedule changes attempt to spread the reductions equitably in terms of where low-income and minority populations reside in the city. The result is some service reductions on higher-ridership routes to preserve baseline service in lower-ridership areas that serve vulnerable populations.

This new schedule will remain in place until the department is able to hire much-needed drivers and bus mechanics to maintain the fleet. Once ABQ RIDE is able to fill those positions, they will re-evaluate. Anyone interested in becoming a part of the ABQ RIDE team may visit to begin the application process.

A detailed list of all service changes for ABQ RIDE fixed routes are available at



ABQ RIDE strives to be the first choice in transportation services for the Albuquerque Metropolitan area. By using this alternative to the single-occupant vehicle, riders are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate traffic congestion while building a strong, resourceful, and sustainable community.