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City Administration Works to Ensure Stability for Voucher Recipients

Approval of provider contracts will keep people housed
January 06, 2025

Albuquerque- Today, Albuquerque City Councilors approved expanding two Permanent Supportive Housing Voucher provider contracts that will provide stability and keep people housed.

Following the misuse of housing voucher funding by the Supportive Housing Coalition (SHC), the City opted not to renew their contracts and began making direct payments to landlords and back-paying rents.

Tonight, City Councilors voted to approve two expanded contracts with Good Shepherd Center and Heading Home, who will take over most of those vouchers.

“To maintain stable housing, people need access to supportive services like case management, which each of these providers offer through their individual programs,” said Associate Chief Administrative Officer, Carla Martinez. “The timely response to approving these contracts ensures there is no gap in receiving these critical services that could have put people at risk of being back on the streets.”

The administration of Mayor Tim Keller appreciates that City Council recognizes the urgency of continuing uninterrupted voucher support to recipients.

If you were a client of the Supportive Housing Coalition, and have not yet heard from the City: visit our inquiries page