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Housing Navigation Center

Find information about the Housing Navigation Center at Gateway.


Operator Heading Home can be reached for questions at 505-537-8588

What is the Housing Navigation Center? 

Overnight beds and case management to individually support clients toward housing or other necessary supportive services. Three meals are provided daily and all guests are assigned a case manager, housing case manager, and peer support worker. The Housing Navigation Center is funded by the City of Albuquerque and operated by Heading Home. 

An icon of a hand holding a house with a heart on it and a grey divider line to the right. 

Trauma informed design centers safety and security for residents, considering their past traumas to create an equitable, welcoming, and trusting environment.


An icon of a dark hand and a light hand shaking and a grey divider line to the right.


On-site supportive services significantly improve clients' abilities to work on issues preventing them from achieving stable housing.


An icon of a bar graph with 4 bars getting higher as they go to the right and an arrow over the top of them pointing upward and a grey divider line to the right.


Multi-agency coordination and dedicated housing vouchers reduces wait times for housing placements.


Read our Gateway Administrative Policies and Operations Plan

Refer a Client

Guests are accepted into the Gateway Center by service provider referral only. Refer a Client Here  

If you need to obtain a referral, contact a local homeless service provider.  


Learn how people with lived experience of homelessness helped shape the design and amenities of the Housing Navigation Center!

Gateway Lived Experiences Design Workshops  | People with Lived Experience Focus Groups

Many thanks to the Transgender Resource Center and First Nations Community HealthSource who partnered with the City of Albuquerque to host these workshops.

Find the written descriptions for the images in the photo gallery below.

Gateway Housing Navigation Center