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Updates on Planning and Zoning Related Legislation

Below is a list of planning-related items that will be heard at full Council or LUPZ in the coming weeks.
February 29, 2016

General Legislation

  • F/S O-16-3 (Full Council)| The adoption of FS (Floor Substitute)-O-16-3 would amend a portion of the traffic code that directs where and when food trucks may park for operation. The original  Mobile Food Unit ordinance (O-15-36) stated, among other things, that food trucks are not allowed to operate within 100-feet of a brick-and-mortar restaurant. The amendments proposed by F/S O-16-3 would reduce that buffer between food trucks and restaurants to 75 feet, and clarify that food trucks may operate within that buffer area after a restaurant’s business hours. This would maintain the separation distance when the restaurants are open, but would allow the food trucks to operate once they close, primarily in the evening. Following a recommendation of “do-pass” by the Land Use, Planning and Zoning Committee (LUPZ) on Feb. 13, this bill will be heard by the City Council during its regular hearing on Monday, March 7th. This bill and related substitutes can be found here.
  • R-15-274 (LUPZ) | R-15-274 would amend the Coors Corridor Plan as it relates to design standards for signage. The plan currently doesn’t allow temporary signs such as banners and pennants. This amendment would allow businesses to use such signs temporarily in a situation where they were forced to relocate due to unavoidable events such as a fire. The business owner would be permitted to use one 3-foot by 6-foot temporary sign for up to 90 days to inform the public of their relocation. This bill will be heard at the March 16th LUPZ hearing. This bill can be found here.
  • O-16-5 (LUPZ) | The Planning Department is proposing an update to the landscape regulations within the Zoning Code. The intent of this legislation is to update the existing language to be more reflective of Albuquerque’s high desert environment, and to put more emphasis on the tree canopy coverage by adding incentives for using trees in landscaping. The EPC heard the proposed changes at their November 12th meeting and have recommended approval based on findings and conditions. This bill was heard at the February 10th LUPZ hearing and was postponed to the March 16th Further information can be found here.
  • O-16-6 (LUPZ) | This is a companion bill to O-15-6, above, and proposes to amend the part of the Traffic Code that regulates the requirement of street trees for new developments or redevelopments over 200 square feet. This bill will adjust the requirements for street trees to enhance the quality of the public environment and incentivize growth of the tree canopy. This bill was heard at the February 10th LUPZ hearing and was postponed to the March 16th The amended language can be read here.
  • R-16-12 (LUPZ) | This bill would establish a priorities list for the City of Albuquerque’s future Open Space Land acquisitions and identify priorities and special provisions for specific properties. This bill was heard at the February 10th LUPZ hearing, where a committee substitute that clarified and amended language regarding priorities for land acquisition was introduced. The bill, as substituted, was postponed to the March 16th LUPZ hearing. The bill and committee substitute can be found here

District-specific Legislation and Projects

District 2

  • R-15-262 | The adoption of R-15-262 would allow businesses with a “small brewer’s license” or a “winegrower’s license” located in the SU-2/CRZ zone of the Huning Highland Sector Development Plan (HHSDP) to sell beer and wine for on-premise and off-premise consumption as a permissive use. The SU-2/CRZ zone of the HHSDP is the primary commercial corridor in the area, containing properties along Central Avenue and Broadway Blvd. A committee substitute for R-262 was presented at the 2/10 LUPZ hearing to clarify the title of the bill. The committee motioned a recommendation of Do Pass, as substituted. This bill will be heard by the City Council during its regular hearing on Monday, February 7th. The bill and committee substitute can be found here.
  • Public Meeting – Rio Grande Complete Streets | There will be a public meeting on Thursday, March 10th  at 6:00 in the Council Committee Room to review the design concepts for Rio Grande Boulevard Complete Streets project. The design concepts can be found here.

District 9

  • R-16-13 | R-16-13 would adopt an East Gateway Metropolitan Development Plan for the existing East Gateway Metropolitan Development Area. The purpose of the Plan is to revitalize parcels along Central Avenue, from Wyoming to Four Hills Rd, creating a more welcoming corridor for residents and visitors. This bill will be heard by the LUPZ committee on March 16th at 5:00. The project website can be found here.
  • Public Meeting – East Gateway Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan| There will be a public meeting on Thursday, March 3rd at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. to discuss the Plan that R-16-13 proposes. The plan may be reviewed on the project page here.

Other Council-related Projects

ABC-Z Project

  • The draft of the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive is available on the project website, There is a deadline of March 11th for public review and comment, however comments will be accepted by staff up until the time of adoption. Comments can be submitted via e-mail to the project team at [email protected].
  • Module 1 of the Integrated Development Ordinance, which proposes new zones, the land uses allowed, and associated use-specific standards is available on the project website for review. Module 2, which includes dimensional standards for building heights, setbacks, landscaping, parking requirements, etc. will be available for public review in mid-March. There will be public meetings in April to review the content of Module 2 - stay tuned for dates.

Relevant Meeting Dates, Times, and Locations:

East Gateway Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan Public Meeting

March 3rd, 2016

Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center | 6:00pm

501 Elizabeth St SE

Albuquerque, NM 87123

City Council Meeting

March 7th, 2016 | 5:00pm

Vincent E. Griego Council Chambers

Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center

Rio Grande Complete Streets Project Public Meeting

March 10th, 2016 | 6:00pm

Council Committee Room, Suite 9081 of the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center building

One Civic Plaza NW

Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Committee (LUPZ)

March 16th, 2016| 5:00pm

Council Committee Room

9th Floor, Suite 9081